Ural - Driver of new Industrial and Innovative development of Russia forum will be host by Ural State University of Economics.

On 24-25 October 2019 "Ural - Driver of new Industrial and Innovative development of Russia" forum will be host by Ural State University of Economics. Forum is organized jointly with the Independent economical society of Russia, Ural division of the Independent economical society of Russia and Russian Academy of Sciences.

Representatives of scientific soUrals breakthrough development strategy: ciety, business society, public associations, public authorities and local government, leaders of the real economics companies will be participants of the forum. They will discuss the results of scientific researches, best practices of innovative development of Russian regions, and the prospects for their non-industrial transformation. 
According to the results of the forum, it is planned to release collected works with the assignment of ISBN and following placement in the RYNZ information and analytical system.

Scientific tracks of forum events:
"Urals - 21st century: field for neo-industrial and innovative development";
"Financial and legal mechanisms for ensuring neo-industrial and innovative development of the Ural and Russia"; 
Socio-economic policy and management technologies in the era of the digital economy;

On 24-25 October 2019 "Ural - Driver of new Industrial and Innovative development of Russia" forum will be host by Ural State University of Economics. Forum is organized jointly with the Independent economical society of Russia, Ural division of the Independent economical society of Russia and Russian Academy of Sciences.

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