Memory capsule: soul from the mass grave of WWII soldiers will be sent to Uzbekistan

USUE took part in the search for the burial place of a citizen of Uzbekistan who died in the Second World War. The soul from a mass grave will be sent to his grandson - Deputy Minister of Preschool Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Uzokboy Begimkulov.

The obelisk to the soldiers who fell during the Great Patriotic War in Degtyarsk is today covered with red carnations. Ural State University, together with the Consulate of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Yekaterinburg, organized a solemn laying of flowers and a ceremony of filling the capsule with the soul from the grave site. The capsule will be sent to the homeland of one fighter buried in the mass grave - a citizen of Uzbekistan Belemkuy (Begimkul) Khusanov.

USUE took an active part in a search for the burial place of Khusanov at the request of his grandson - Deputy Minister of Preschool Education of Uzbekistan, Uzokboy Begimkulov. USUE has been fruitfully cooperating with Tashkent State University of Economics for many years. Therefore, with pleasure, it responded to help foreign colleagues. U. Begimkulov told how step by step he restored the military route of his relative, who had died during the Second World War. So far, very little information has been found about him. They only knew that he died in 1943 in the Sverdlovsk region near Degtyarsk.

There were no battles in the Urals, so it was assumed that Belemkuy had died from wounds in the hospital. In May 2022, a delegation of teachers from our university went to Degtyarsk for the first time, where they visited the Obelisk in memory of soldiers fallen during the Great Patriotic War. Initially, the search was unsuccessful: among the hundreds of names forever engraved on the stele, the name of Belemkuy Khusanov was not found.

Then, the locals came to the aid of our delegation, suggesting that there is another monument on the outskirts of the city - a modest but solemn obelisk to the Soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. The names of 11 warriors buried in that place are carved on a gray granite stone. Among them, they found the name of Belemkuy (Begimkul) Khusanov.

This obelisk was erected to soldiers who died of wounds in the evacuation hospital from 1943 to 1945. A hospital with 600 beds was deployed in the largest city building - in the four-story school No. 16. It was here in 1943 that Begimkul Khusanov died from wounds he had received in the battle with the Nazis.

Today, a handful of soul from the grave site of Belemkuy Khusanov was solemnly placed in a capsule, which will be sent to Uzbekistan. The relatives of the deceased soldier of the distant war are waiting for this news from the past of their family.

The Consul General of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Yekaterinburg, Abdusalom Khatamov, USUE Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Teaching Methods and Quality of Training, Dmitry Karkh, and Deputy Director of Institute of Continuing Distance Education, Viktor Tsybikov attended the ceremony.

Abdusalom Khatamov thanked the USUE management for their support and help in the search for soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War. “We respect and we thank for this attention to our soldiers who had worked here or died from wounds in hospitals.”

USUE helped find an Uzbek fighter, Belemkuy (Begimkul) Khusanov, fallen during the Great Patriotic War

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