Karl Marx: forever thinker of transformations

April 26, a meeting of the Eurasian Research Institute of Man (ENIICH) was held, dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Karl Marx, one of the talented thinkers who significantly influenced the course of social progress.  The topic of the meeting was “Karl Marx: Forever Thinker of Transformations ". 

Professors and leading researchers of USUE, USMU, USAU, UrFU, and UB RAS took part in the meeting. The participants discussed such issues as the features of the Marx’s economic theory and economy of the XXI century, Marx's vision of the revolutionary and evolutionary development of a society, as well as the main trends of economic thought.
The meeting was opened by Alexander Semin, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, president of the Eurasian Research Institute of Man, member of the Presidium of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, president of the Institute of Immunology and Physiology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The EIICH president delivered a report "Marx's Economic Teaching and Economy of the 21st Century." In his opinion, "European Marxism is moving deeper and deeper to the West. In the second half of the 20th century, western Marxism as a whole develops, paradoxically, in the opposite direction to the Marx evolution. Criticizing and rejecting one, recognizing and generalizing the other, the scientist always reached the heart of any issue. An outstanding proof of this is his work “Theories of Surplus Value", which is a monument to theoretical enthusiasm. "Today, special attention is paid to the study of the works of Karl Marx: many scientific journals publish the results of research in the field of Marxism, and poets, writers, and artists turn to the image of this genius thinker," Alexander Semin said . At the end of his speech, he presented Viktor Ivanitsky, the USUE science counselor, a memorable gift - stamps with Karl Marx portrait.

 Besides, Stanislav Nekrasov, Doctor of Philology, professor,  chair  of the USAU Department of Philosophy,  presented his vision in the report "Marx about Revolutionary and Evolutionary Development of Society".  He noted that the works of Karl Marx were instructive and important, as well as requiring comprehensive study in modern society.  According to him, "many modern economists make serious mistakes in their vision of Karl Marx's theory and its interpretation, the reason of which is a lack of understanding of the fundamentals of scientific methodology."  Further in his speech, Stanislav Nekrasov stopped at the analysis of Marx's work "Capital."  "Today, the main common task is to change the civilizational vector of mankind development," the professor added. 

Elena Korsakova,  associate professor of  the USUE Department of Political Economy, presented a report  " Karl Marx’s Economic Theory: Myths and Reality. "  According to the speaker, many researchers and modern economists interpret the teaching of K. Marx, based on peculiar myths, for example, the myth that "Karl Marx created an untenable theory of society development."  Further, Elena Korsakova presented examples as evidence of the untenability of some of the existing myths. 

The topic of the meeting is undoubtedly relevant, since Karl Marx was a great thinker and giant of human thought, one of those rare people on the planet who influenced the transformation of human relations with his teaching and his public activities. 

April 26, a meeting of the Eurasian Research Institute of Man (ENIICH) was held, dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Karl Marx, one of the talented thinkers who significantly influenced the course of social progress. The topic of the meeting was “Karl Marx: Forever Thinker of Transformations ".

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