Unusual and extraordinary - it is about her, about "Miss USUE-2008".

"Energizer" since childhood

Ksenia grew up in Yekaterinburg. Before school, she started to practice RSG. In the school years, ballroom dances and children's theater studio of the Musical Comedy Theater were added. She studied to play piano and guitar and attended jazz lessons.

When she was an 8-grade high school student, Ksyusha fell in love with snowboarding. Jibbing with its jumps on iron rails and springboards of varying complexity gave her drive and adrenaline.  At her young age, Ksenia did not think about the safety and consequences of extreme. Today she still does not part with snowboarding, but tries to avoid extreme behavior. And then, at the age of 15, Ksenia mastered snowboarding in such a way that started to work as an instructor in snowboarding and alpine skiing. She studied at the gymnasium for five days, and on Friday evening left for the mountain-skiing center "Mountain Tyoplya" near Pervouralsk to spend there a weekend. Being only 15, she did not ask her parents for money to go to the cinema, "I had already realized how great it was when there were money and opportunities," Ksenia says.


   "Sometimes, as an instructor from 10 am to 10 pm I was in the open air, I got cold and hungry, but it did not matter, because according to the schedule there were customers, and you had to work," she recalls. When it was not easy, the favorite phrase of her parents came to mind: "Bite the bullet!"   Even today, these words help her endure both physical pain and failure in business.

At the same time, Ksenia studied in the physics and mathematics school and in 2006 finished it with a gold medal. 

Why economics?

Choosing a university is quite an interesting page in the biography of Ksenia. She said that when she studied at the gymnasium, she with her classmates attended preparatory courses at Ural Polytechnic Institute (UPI).   However, she did not enter UPI as others did. Since Ksenia’s father and grandfather were in the past military journalists, she also thought of entering a journalism department.  She decided to discuss this with her family.  To her direct question "What to become to live well, to be secured, to get future children properly educated, and to have money in the family?" her mother and father wisely answered, "You need to know economics and do business. Knowing the basics of economic theory, you could fulfill yourself in any field of activity and choose what you like. "

 Ksenia found out where “future businessmen” were trained, "I talked with the graduates of the economic faculty of USUE. I learned that many of them had their own business; some lunched their companies being forth- or fifth-year students."

When Ksenia entered the university, she again studied, and worked, and rested – everything as per schedule. At the university, she was engaged in extracurricular activities: she helped organize the Days of Freshers and other events of the USUE Recreation Center.

Why did you decide to participate in the beauty contest?

"First, the beauty contest was held at the faculty, but I did not win. For me it is important: whatever you do in life, you need to achieve the highest possible results. Learning about the contest "Miss USUE, I talked with fellow students, and began to prepare," Ksenia Akusheva said.

Ten years ago, in 2008, there was no long preparation for the contest.   In addition, it was a rare case when the "Miss" and "Mister" contests were decided to hold in parallel: boys and girls rehearsed and prepared for the contest altogether. The final of the contest of girls and boys - one from each faculty - also took place simultaneously. At the final performance, the girls had their hair dressed and applied makeup; and sponsors provided chic wedding and evening dresses and business suits for the defile.

Ksenia remembers her creative performance well. She presented a video with her snowboard tricks, read poetry in English, German and French, and played piano. In the beginning, Ksenia appeared on the stage in a snowboarder's suit, the light was turned off, and when it turned back on, she was in a dance suit and showed a belly dance. In parallel, the video explained everything that was happening on the stage. One can only imagine how effective, meaningful, and impressive the presentation of the winner was.

Study, study and study again

In 2011, Kseniya Akusheva graduated with honors from the Faculty of World Economics and Finance (until 2009 - the Faculty of Management and International Economic Relations).   Together with Organization and Management of Foreign Economic Activity, she additionally mastered Business Foreign Language and received a certificate of an English translator.

Ksenia chose master’s degree courses in another area, since she already had her own travel agency, with great interest she studied at the Department of Tourism Business and Hospitality and graduated from the Institute of Trade, Food Technology and Service.

In 2015, she entered the USUE postgraduate school. She made plans and thought out how to make the Sverdlovsk region an attractive tourist destination, a developed geographical area that has certain boundaries and can attract and satisfy the needs of a fairly wide group of tourists. She researched, for example, what would be the economic effect of holding games of the Football World Cup on that territory. Ksenia was going to write her candidate's thesis about this.   However,   to combine business and scientific activity was not easy. If later Ksenia returns to writing the thesis, it will be based on her own practical experience.


One of the first companies of Ksenia Akusheva was a travel agency in Yekaterinburg.  "I bought a sofa for 2 thousand rubles to the office, where I often slept at night because I worked late and did not want to waste time on the way home and back," she says. And when now she, a successful business lady, is told "How lucky you are!" she remembers what work is behind this luck. In her business way, Ksenia tried some other projects: she opened a foreign language school and a dance studio.

Currently, our heroine, together with her husband Alexander, has three business lines. 

The first company is engaged in the supply of goods and services for a public sector customer under 44 and 223 federal laws. The group of companies operates throughout Russia. Only last year, it won more than 50 tenders. One of the very first, they completed the tender for organizing a contest-review of computer literacy among pensioners of the Sverdlovsk region. However, Ksenia called a hearty project the supply of "red book" marals (red deer) to the Krasnoyarsk reservation park, "We have a principle not to work with tenders, which are related to the killing of animals, supply of skins, or stuffed animals. Bearing in mind that maral meat is an expensive delicacy, the first thing we did was to call and find out the purpose of the order. Why did they need 20 marals and 1 female maral? It turned out, for the breeding of animals, so to speak, the renewal of blood in the reservation park. It was difficult to find animals for a suitable price, and then, at minus 40 in the street, to transport them from Altai to the Krasnoyarsk reservation.   The customer was very pleased; the cargo arrived at its best. Then there were ducks, bus stop shelters, various equipment, furniture, shoes, clothes, and toys for orphanages. This is what we are good at, and on what, in fact, the whole business is being built," Ksenia is proud.

The second Ksenia Akusheva’ company is engaged in business events organizing in Yekaterinburg – training sessions, seminars, corporate training from "top" coaches of Russia and the world. 

The third area of activity is online schools in a wide range of areas: over 5 thousand years, they have trained more than 15 thousand people from all over the world. 

"For several years I was a partner of an educational company in Yekaterinburg, and in parallel, I launched my own educational projects. In these projects, I teach what I have great experience in, for example, how to start a marketing company, how to choose a niche and start a business from scratch. I also talk with my trainees about personal relationships, how to build one’s life and working schedule, how to establish remote work of employees and business, when traveling and living abroad, and how to work with personal finances," Ksenia shared her experience.

The educational direction of Ksenia is more inclined to refer to a hobby than to a business that appeared, she says, "out of her fanatical love for self-development and constant learning." In her 29 years, she continues to study every day - this is self-education, webinars, and training sessions. Ksenia already told her husband about the desire to get a third higher education, this time in psychology.

Married to an entrepreneur

She met Alexander at the educational training in 2014. Alexander showed an increased interest in the teacher and sought additional meetings. For six months of communication, Ksenia realized that Alexander was a very reliable man and an amazing person. He took her energetic way of life, left his job, and also opened his own business, became an entrepreneur. In 2017, they married.

The newlyweds like a bright, busy life. They travel a lot. They do not spend winter in Russia for three consecutive years. Last winter they went on a trip to Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Vietnam.

At first glance, it may seem that an entrepreneur's life consists only of bonuses, but Ksenia never leaves her business and always travels and rests with the laptop and phone. "Many people think that an entrepreneur comes to the office to drink coffee and set tasks," Ksenia says. “For example, my working day starts at 4.30-5 in the morning, so that in silence I could work out the company's affairs. Then - sports, then I go to the office. During the day, there may be presentations, meetings, consultations, video course recording, and some other events. The pace is very intense, there are many areas of activity," Ksenia says. "Usually I finish my work at 20 pm".

They develop each other

Ksenia Akusheva calls her parents a gift of the destiny.  Her mother worked as a teacher in a children's school of creativity, she is a psychologist. Now she is in private practice.

Her father was a military man. After retiring, he also started to do business, and now he is on the move, being always busy with something. 

In spite of everything, they accepted and do accept all Ksenia’s initiatives, support her in everything, and, of course, worry, but do not talk her out of doing this or that. It does not matter, whether it is about extreme sports or business.

The elder brother of Ksenia lives in Moscow, he is a photographer.

Now it is already unclear who has "infected" whom. "We are developing each other. Our parents brought love to work and study. Their lessons of life still help us out of difficulties.  We remain good friends, see each other once a week, share knowledge and books read. We learn from each other. Mom, for example, learns Spanish and English. Sometimes we travel together", Ksenia says of her parents.

There is no doubt that having received an excellent education and having made a sure start in business, indisputably beautiful and talented Ksenia, whose goal is to benefit people, has great prospects in business and in life.


Unusual and extraordinary - it is about her, about "Miss USUE-2008".

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