During an information meeting with college students, Larisa Cheganova, deputy director for academic work of the USUE College, told them in detail how the educational process would be carried out facing a threat of infection spread and what they should know and do not to miss classes.  

“At a meeting with students, I talked about the situation in the world, in our country and, of course, in the city. At the University, the situation is stable, and to avoid the spread of coronavirus, it was decided to transfer students to an individual form of study. The students signed applications on the transition to individual education plans.”

In fact, students took the transition to a new form of education much more calmly than their parents did, because the older generation is more sensitive to information technologies. In this regard, the college administration brought information to parents through class masters. Interaction with parents occurs through parental WhatsApp chats to “be in constant dialogue with parents and answer their questions and concerns”.

The students learned how the educational process would be carried out, about the class schedule and the need to download software from the USUE website to listen to lectures. For students who for some reason could not listen to a lecture online, its text will be posted in electronic form. During individual training, teachers and class masters will be in constant dialogue with students.

During an information meeting with college students, Larisa Cheganova, deputy director for academic work of the USUE College, told them in detail how the educational process would be carried out facing a threat of infection spread and what they should know and do not to miss classes.

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