Will a computer think like a human?

Ural State University of Economics hosted a public lecture by Doctor of Technical Sciences, laureate of the Sverdlovsk region Governor’s prize in 2020 and 2014 in information in the nomination “For outstanding contribution to the development of scientific research of information technologies”, professor at the USUE Department of Chess Art and Computer Mathematics, Viktor Chasovskikh: “On the approaches to computer superintelligence - strong artificial intelligence.”


“The world today is divided in two in its attitude to artificial intelligence: some see it as almost a messiah who will save our world from all troubles and misfortunes, while others, on the contrary, perceive it as akin to the Horsemen of the Apocalypse who threaten to destroy human civilization and turn us into slaves of machines,” Viktor Chasovskikh, Professor at the USUE Department of Chess Art and Computer Mathematics, opened the meeting.


But what is considered being artificial intelligence today is not really such. As Professor Viktor Chasovskikh noted, computer programs that today are classified as intelligent are just artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. They form a weak AI. No doubt, a computer can solve problems more accurately and faster than humans. But it operates with the data provided to it by its creator. In addition, such technologies spend a lot of energy and take up a lot of space. When 1% of the human brain is active for one second, a modern computer, which occupies about a thousand square meters, can simulate the results of its activity in four seconds spending 16 megawatts of electricity for this. From this we can conclude that initially an inaccurate model for creating artificial intelligence has been chosen.


Neural networks form the basis of artificial intelligence technology. The creation of neural networks has become a kind of art that still defies formalization. Thus, we can say that artificial intelligence will be created when we find a universal algorithm for building a neural network for any task. However, today, only the human brain, according to Professor Viktor Chasovskikh, can do this thing.


USUE hosted a public lecture by Professor Viktor Chasovskikh on artificial intelligence

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