Competent dialogue for moving ahead

Participation in the XIII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum "A multipolar world in the focus of a new reality" is confirmed by the rectors of universities in Russia and abroad. To date, about 30 universities have announced the participation of their delegates in the events of the forum.

Every year EEYF is visited by numerous representatives of science and education, government agencies, diplomatic officials and businessmen. For heads of universities within the framework of the EEYF, the Forum of Rectors is held - this is a platform for the exchange of news, ideas, discussions on topical issues of the development of the Eurasian space, scientific and educational spheres. During the meeting, new partnerships are being established and existing partnerships are being strengthened between the leading universities of Russia, the CIS countries and far abroad.

Delegates from higher educational institutions of Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Kazakhstan applied for the new EEYF. The territorial coverage of Russian universities is wide

in this list: the Far East, Siberia, the Urals, the Volga region, the Center and the North-Western district.

In 2022, representatives of 149 universities from more than 60 countries of the world took part in the EEYF. The Rectors' Forum took place at the residence of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region, an unique historical building in the center of Yekaterinburg, the home of the merchant Sevastyanov. The scientists discussed issues of patriotic education of students and networking of universities, import of educational services, changes in the scientific environment, etc. XIII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum "Multipolar world in the focus of new reality" will be held in Yekaterinburg from 24 to 28 April 2023.

Heads of Russian and foreign universities will meet at the EEYF again

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