Conference on topical issues of economic theory took place in USUE

19-20 October 2017, USUE hosted the All-Russian scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists “Important Problems of Economic Theory". The conference was organized by the Department of Political Economy of Ural State University of Economics.

While interacting with the participants, Professor at the Department of Political Economy Alexei Ilyukhin noted that the economics is the most interesting thing in life. "Problems are growing like a snowball. Everything is complicated by the fact that the technical development of our country lags behind in many respects. The fourth technological order, which now exists in the entire developed world, is not yet possible for us. Russia lacks technologies and human resources, that is, there are many systemic problems that cannot be solved overnight. Against the backdrop of all this, we met to discuss these problems," he said.

Participants of the conference considered important problems of economic theory and tried to determine its place in solving complex problems of the modern economy. The conference was divided into six sections:

  1. Peculiarities of the cyclic development of modern economy
  2. Problems of macroeconomic regulation of Russian economy
  3. System of national accounts: analytical capabilities
  4. Problems of inflationary and non-inflationary development of Russian economy
  5. Network structures and problems of adaptation of functional economic systems in Russian economy
  6. Problems of income distribution and the formation of social policy

Based on the results of the conference, a collection of articles will be published with further placement in the RSCI.

19-20 October 2017, USUE hosted the All-Russian scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists “Important Problems of Economic Theory". The conference was organized by the Department of Political Economy of Ural State University of Economics.

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