The most pleasant and bright event for young participants of EEYF is traditionally the ceremony of awarding the winners and runners-up. This year, the Congress of Service Technologies gathered a record number of participants and surprised the organizers by the scale of its territorial coverage. The jury was not easy to make the choice: every year, more and more talented students come to the forum.

The award ceremony was opened by the Director of the Congress, Director of the Institute of Trade, Food Technologies and Service Vera Solovieva:
"42 experts took part in the work of the Congress of Service Technologies, 224 applications from young scientists were submitted for the contest. The geography of the competition is very wide: China, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Moscow, Kemerovo, Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Orel, Biysk, and St. Petersburg. The universities of Sverdlovsk Oblast - Ural Federal University named after Yeltsin, Ural State Mining University, Ural State Pedagogical University, and Ural State University of Railway Transport - actively participated in the forum. For the first time, the Ural College of Beauty took part in the contest. It is nice to note that this year has the number of participants increased and also the level of works became higher. The competition "Food Security" received 120 works, 48 of which went to the finals. In the contest "Logistics of Distribution", 15 works out of 36 reached the final. 18 projects took part in the contest of hospitality. We held an international conference, where the speakers were our guests from China, leading teachers and master students. I want to invite everyone to participate next year - this is a real a holiday and an excellent opportunity to exchange experiences. "

The participants were addressed by the Rector of Ural State University of Economics Yakov Silin,
"I would like to thank everyone, especially prize-winners and runners-up, because you were not afraid to take part in the contest and to test yourself. In life, you will always have to do this to achieve success. To win, you need to have ambitions, but they must be backed up by your knowledge and desire to develop your abilities. It is very important for the University to conduct such events in order to assess the quality of the specialists we are preparing. It was interesting and useful to collaborate with all experts. I hope that the participants have gained useful experience and established new partnership contacts. Our University is ready for further development and cooperation. I am confident that next year at the tenth International Economic Youth Forum at USUE we will be able to apply the experience gained and offer something new. "
The main feature of the Congress of Service Technologies this year was the presence of foreign experts, scholars from Harbin (PRC), who shared their experience with USUE students and staff.

Director of the Institute of Food Technologies, Harbin University of Commerce, Professor Shi Yango thanked the USUE Rector, and its staff, experts and participants for warm welcome and interesting work and expressed hope for continued successful cooperation:
"Many thanks for the opportunity to participate in such a wonderful event. It was a pleasure to visit Yekaterinburg. It's nice that you pay attention to the citizens of China and provide an opportunity to get acquainted with scientists and their developments, establish contacts, find new friends, study the trends of the Ural region, and also to present the Chinese developments. I hope for the development of cooperation between our states and joint work in the field of food technologies, which determine the health of a nation. I invite you to visit Harbin, China, to support cooperation. I wish your initiatives would further develop. "
Leading experts of the Congress handed diplomas and memorable orders to winners of the contests. All the winners will also receive cash rewards.

Ayaugan Bakhitova, Astana, Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilev (1 place in the nomination "Hospitality Formula. HoReCa and Tourism")
"My formula for hospitality is the ability to present my city. I submitted an essay "City Tour over Astana". In 2017 I worked as a volunteer at EXPO-2017, where I got acquainted with new technologies of hospitality. I prepared videos, photos, and a presentation about my future specialty - "Tourism". This is my first time in Yekaterinburg. I really enjoyed both the city and the competition, and I hope to come here again. "

Tatyana Kudryashova, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (1st place in the nomination "Quality and Safety of Goods as Factors of Ensuring Competitiveness in the Domestic and Foreign Markets")
"I am studying at the Higher School of Biotechnology (food technologies). My work is devoted to food safety. In the course of the research, we found that Phoma fungi show biological activity against bacteria and fungi that affect the most important agricultural crops of our country. Using the results of our experiments, we came to the conclusion that plants in their vegetative period can be treated with metabolites of the fungus, i.e. fungicides are not of chemical but of biological synthesis. Thus, we will be able to save yields and the final food product will be safe for humans. I hope that our discovery will be realized in practice.
I was surprised by the scale of the contest. I am proud of having taken part in it. I wish all my colleagues to reach their goals, despite the difficulties. "

Ksenia Klopova, Kemerovo State University (1st place in the nomination "Innovative technologies in agricultural production, food and processing industry")
"The theme of my research work is "Intensification of a Whisky Beverage Ripening Due to the Effect of Oxygen.” We accelerate the ripening stage of the drink, using the latest device - extractor, a patent for an invention we have recently received. Our extractor accelerates the time of ripening of the drink due to innovative technologies and does not degrade its organoleptic properties.
I was at the Forum at USUE in 2016 and liked it very much. The win in the contest was unexpected for me, and now I have a great incentive to come here once again. It is a very friendly atmosphere and I wish everyone who is just planning to participate in the contest not be afraid to make a name for oneself."

The most pleasant and bright event for young participants of EEYF is traditionally the ceremony of awarding the winners and runners-up. This year, the Congress of Service Technologies gathered a record number of participants and surprised the organizers by the scale of its territorial coverage. The jury was not easy to make the choice: every year, more and more talented students come to the forum.

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