The Congress of strategists encourages creative thinking

Participants of the Congress of Strategists of the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum know how to form an innovative economy and talent pool. A thousand students and young scientists presented their projects to the Congress.

The Congress comprises five competitions, including two essay competitions: “Modern Trends in the Economic Development of the World” and “Ways to Protect the Rights and Freedoms of Man and Citizen.” The participants assessed the current trends in socio-economic development in Russia and the world.

The competition of scientific research works “Formation and Implementation of the Financial and Investment Policy of Innovative Projects” implies a detailed study. Participants should not only evaluate the trends but also bring scientific, technical and economic justification to their judgments, and provide the study with applications and illustrations.

The international competition for educational institutions of secondary vocational education, “ProCOD: Professional Competencies, Responsibility, Achievements”, is designed to find the most talented students of colleges and technical schools and motivate them to enter universities.

Besides, the organizers of the Congress offer the challenge in the TikTok style “A Hero of Our Time”. Students of colleges and technical schools will make short videos about outstanding, in their opinion, people: businessmen, scientists, mentors at enterprises, philanthropists - everyone who today can become a role model for young people. This year, the geography of participants has expanded: students from Kaliningrad, Vladivostok, Baku, and Dushanbe have joined the challenge.

The final stages of all competitions and Congresses will be held from April 24 to April 28 at USUE.

Participants of the Congress of Strategists of the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum know how to form an innovative economy and talent pool.

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