Beautiful sport. USUE staff took part in traditional billiards competitions

The billiard club "Antey" hosted the IX Russian billiards tournament of USUE staff. The competition became traditional and gathered several dozen participants. The University Rector Yakov Silin kicked off the competition. "This year, number nine is special for us. In spring, the IX Eurasian Economic Youth Forum will be held, and the billiards tournament is the ninth. I wish all the participants good luck," the University Rector said.

After the draw, participants of the competition went to the billiard tables to fight for the challenge cup. The rules of the tournament are simple: one game lasts 30 minutes, you can play with any ball, and you need to score eight balls to win. However, to pocket the ball, one has to do his/her very best.

"The favorites of the competition are several persons. These people constantly play billiards. And regular training, as we know, is the key to success in any sport," said Maxim Kocherian, head of the Department of Physical Education and Sports.

This year, the USUE Cup was won by Alexander Kurdyumov, chair of the Department of Competition Law and Antimonopoly Regulation.

The billiard club "Antey" hosted the IX Russian billiards tournament of USUE staff. The competition became traditional and gathered several dozen participants. The University Rector Yakov Silin kicked off the competition. "This year, number nine is special for us. In spring, the IX Eurasian Economic Youth Forum will be held, and the billiards tournament is the ninth. I wish all the participants good luck," the University Rector said.

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