2: 1 in favor of cryptocurrency

At USUE, for the first time in the Urals, the debate " Cryptocurrency - what is this: a trap or the future of the financial system?"  was held.  Discussion on a hot topic was organized by Olga Ergunova, Chairperson of the USUE Council of Young Scientists, in an entirely new format: as "Versus Battle", a kind of duel between the participants. 

 The teams of "supporters" and "opponents" of a new currency, which included prominent economists of the University, financiers, and IT specialists, were supposed to win the opponent in a verbal form in three rounds.    “Versus Battle" was juried by experts from the business and scientific community, famous public figures.

 The Rector of Ural State University of Economics Yakov Silin invited the participants to an interesting game-discussion: 

 “In the general economic system, the cryptocurrency and new forms of financial transactions occupy a clear place.  This electronic system is developing and improving.  Even a year ago, there were peremptory declarations that it was a bubble that would burst soon, but when there appeared wealthy people who earned billions, the system became even more attractive, and it is gaining more supporters.  Those who are inclined to the traditional financial system defend it, saying that the age of the cryptocurrencies is short-lived.  The points of view diverge: someone recognizes a new currency, someone does not agree.  Only practice will show who is right.  But once again I would like to stress: this phenomenon exists and develops.  Russia, one of the world's largest powers, will have to participate in this system.  For 50 years, it is our University that was and still is the center of the economic education of the Urals.    Obviously, in a specialized university, they professionally speak about complex problems.    I hope that today's debate will be useful.” 

 During the game, the teams brought their arguments for and against the digital means of payment.

 The position of "supporters" was marked by Doctor of Economic Sciences, chair of the USUE Department of Financial Markets and Banking Maxim Maramygin, who started his speech with the fact that cryptocurrencies are inevitably entering our life, despite the ambiguity and complexity of this process.  "Cryptocurrency as an instrument already exists and it must be accepted and recognized," he stressed. 

 "We are not opponents of the cryptocurrency, we are skeptics.  We cannot advise placing your money in this financial instrument.  We must be cautious, understanding all the risks of the new currency," Elina Zakirova, the chair of the USUE   Department of Financial Management, explained her position.

 The team of "opponents" called the cryptocurrency to be “money surrogate", the opportunity to avoid taxes, buying illegal goods, and the ground for crime and fraud, since the anonymity of transactions is also not in favor of bitcoin.

 However, the experts participating in the debate rejected the arguments about the nontransparancy and anonymity of Internet transactions.  "There is nothing more anonymous than a suitcase with money," one of them said.

The issue of risks was also touched by the "supporters".  In their view, the adoption of the relevant law by the State Duma would help avoid risks.

The debate turned out to be interesting and useful for university students present.  In the second round of the debate, the teams exchanged "dead" questions.  The supporters of cryptocurrency inquired whether the opponents use pagers.  If "no", then why?

In turn, the opponents asked, "Can your mother pay with cryptocurrency for a tram trip?"

 The answers are obvious.  Technologies are moving forward by leaps and bounds, so a bitcoin entering into our daily life is only a matter of time.  This is the feeling of most participants in the ongoing polemics.  Apparently, therefore, the "supporters" won in the discussion with a score 2:1.

At USUE, for the first time in the Urals, the debate " Cryptocurrency - what is this: a trap or the future of the financial system?" was held. Discussion on a hot topic was organized by Olga Ergunova, Chairperson of the USUE Council of Young Scientists, in an entirely new format: as "Versus Battle", a kind of duel between the participants.

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