Roundtable Women in the Modern World

September 26, at Ural State University of Economics, successful business ladies shared their experiences at the roundtable "Women in the Modern World." The event was organized on the initiative of the founders of the "Woman of the Year" award of the "Russian Club" and the organizers of the contests "Beauty of Russia" and "Female Face of Science".

The moderator of the meeting, the president of the "Russian Club", the founder of "Woman of the Year" award Olga Smetanina welcomed all those present, "We live in a really unique time: for the first time in human history, a woman can feel herself free. She can manage her life. She can study anywhere she likes, she can travel. However, any freedom implies responsibility. Today we have a crucial chance not only to understand the unique role of women in society and family but also to find out what needs to be done to achieve happiness."

The discussion was attended by prominent politicians, scientists and businessmen, among them Sergey Sannikov, the human-rights ombudsman in the Sverdlovsk region, Anastasia Klimina, the chair of the Committee on Women's Entrepreneurship Development with "Opora Russia", Victor Testov, Deputy Chairman of the Yekaterinburg City Duma, Alexei Osintsev, consultant at the Department of Internal Policy of the administration of the Sverdlovsk region Governor, Alexei Pryadein, Head of the Department of Economics  at Yekaterinburg administration, Elmira Tukanova, director of  the Center for Tourism Development in Sverdlovsk Region, Yakov Silin, USUE Rector, Olga Ergunova, Chair of the USUE Council of Young Scientists, organizer of the regional contest "Female  Face of Science", and other participants and winners of contests "Woman of the Year", "Beauty of Russia", and "Female Face of Science."

The participants of the roundtable talked about their understanding of combining professionalism with social responsibility and came to the conclusion about the need to transfer the experience of successful women, to popularize the idea of women's self-realization in the modern world, and to form a career guidance course based on the cases of the contestants of the Women of the Year award.

September 26, at Ural State University of Economics, successful business ladies shared their experiences at the roundtable "Women in the Modern World." The event was organized on the initiative of the founders of the "Woman of the Year" award of the "Russian Club" and the organizers of the contests "Beauty of Russia" and "Female Face of Science".

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