USUE Vice-rector for social work Roman Krasnov is on a working visit to the Republic of Crimea, where this year they are launching the site of Eurasian Economic Youth Forum. 

Roman Krasnov met with Valentina Lavrik, Minister of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea,  and her Deputy, Timur Asanov. The parties discussed the preparations for the XI Eurasian Economic Youth Forum " Russia and Regions of the World: the Embodiment of Ideas and Economy of Opportunities." Within the framework of EEYF, USUE holds contests of research papers for schoolchildren, students, and young scientists from Russia and other countries of the world.

 There are six EEYF thematic congresses for young people. It was agreed that high schoolers of Crimea would take part in the Congress of Schoolchildren, namely, they will participate in the "Debut in Science" competition and in the “Intellect of Eurasia” International game.

During his stay in Crimea, Roman Krasnov paid a visit to Simferopol Gymnasium No. 1 named after I.V. Kurchatov. The headmaster of the gymnasium, Irina Grebennikova, supports pupils' involvement in EEYF.  Now, high-school students are being selected for participation in the Congress of Schoolchildren.    

USUE Vice-rector for social work Roman Krasnov is on a working visit to the Republic of Crimea, where this year they are launching the site of Eurasian Economic Youth Forum.

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