Ural State University of Economics has joined the events dedicated to the Day of Crimea reunification with Russia. Within the framework of the national festival "Crimean Spring", 6th-grade pupils of school №91 in Yekaterinburg took part in a master class on cooking favorite dishes of Crimeans organized by the USUE Department of Nutrition Technology. 

Under the guidance of Natalya Pankratyeva, a senior lecturer at the USUE Department of Nutrition Technology, and Ekaterina Kryukova, an associate professor at the USUE Department of Nutrition Technology, the children learned how to cook Crimean chebureks, oatmeal cookies with almonds, and kurabie - a traditional holiday delicacy of Crimean Tatars.     
At the end of the cooking class, the schoolchildren tasted their “creations” and, feeling like adepts of the Crimean cuisine, said that at home, no doubt, they would solidify the knowledge they received at USUE and would delight their loved ones with chebureks and kurabie.

Ural State University of Economics has joined the events dedicated to the Day of Crimea reunification with Russia. Within the framework of the national festival "Crimean Spring", 6th-grade pupils of school №91 in Yekaterinburg took part in a master class on cooking favorite dishes of Crimeans organized by the USUE Department of Nutrition Technology.

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