Who is she - Miss USUE-2018?

The student beauty contest "Miss USUE-2018" has finished. Each participant received an award in her nomination.

Miss Romanticism - Alexandra Litun,   Institute of Economics, UP-14-1 group;

The participant with number 3 Alexandra Litun showed a video presentation and talked about her hobbies. Alexandra had the most active support group.It does not matter what kind of Institute you study at or what nationality you are, we are all one team, the USUE team,”  the girl said in her speech.

Miss Perfection and Miss Iris Wedding - Arina Poroshkova, Institute of Economics, EKiP-17 group;

Arina acted with number two and presented the audience a theatrical and dance performance in which she demonstrated her creative abilities.

Miss Extreme and Miss Wedding Waltz - Alena Klimenko,   Institute of Finance and Law, Yu-17-3 group;

The girl presented to the audience a touching dance that she performed with a young man.

Miss   Moderato   and Miss Kudesnitsa (“Sorceress” in English)   - Elizaveta Esina,   Institute of Trade, Food Technologies and Services, GD-16-1; group

Elizaveta cooks well and she told about it in her presentation. She treated the jury to national dishes, which she had cooked herself.  

Miss Smile and Miss   Energy   - Indiane Katerine,   Institute of Management and Information Technologies, MM-16-1 group;

Indiane performed a folk dance, which was accompanied by drums.   "I want to be an example for foreign girls who want to participate in the contest, but are afraid to. I was also afraid, but I overcame my fear," the girl admits.

Miss Audience Choice, Miss   Elastic   and Miss   Ekalife   - Yana Galkina, Institute of Economics, VED-16-2 group;

Yana with her support group showed an actor's sketch, in which she talked about her main interests in studies and creative work.

Top places:

II   Vice-Miss USUE- 2018 - Indiane Katerine

I   Vice-Miss USUE- 2018 - Alexandra Litun

Miss USUE- 2018 - Yana Galkina

"Such contests help us improve: in the process of preparation and presentations, we try to overcome our excitement and our complexes. I am very glad that I have gone all this way. It was easy for me to reach the final, I just set a goal and realized it,”   Yana Galkina,   the winner of Miss USUE-2018 contest,   said.   

We congratulate the girls and wish them creative success!

The student beauty contest "Miss USUE-2018" has finished. Each participant received an award in her nomination.

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