“Smoking impossible to give up”: where to put a comma?

February 14, USUE hosted a meeting of the Eurasian Research Institute of Man on the topic: “Anti-smoking and anti-drug campaign: a personal choice or public duty? The role of medicine, public opinion and legal norms in the fight against these vices.”

“Smoking and drug addiction are an important problem spreading among young people and bringing great harm to the future of man. Today we have gathered experts who can share their real experience in dealing with the consequences of bad habits. From a scientific point of view, they will explain why you should not use tobacco and drugs," academician Valery Chereshnev, the President of the Institute of Man, explained the meaning of the event, Representatives of the Sverdlovsk Drug Control Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the regional center for the prevention and control of AIDS, psychologists, scientists, and teachers told students about the benefits of forswearing injurious habits and the psychological aspects of addictive behavior.

The students were shown videos on the dangers of smoking and drug-taking, and on HIV prevention.

February 14, USUE hosted a meeting of the Eurasian Research Institute of Man on the topic: “Anti-smoking and anti-drug campaign: a personal choice or public duty? The role of medicine, public opinion and legal norms in the fight against these vices.”

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