Lecture on business planning for students was delivered at the Ural Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Within four days, students of 11 groups of the USUE Institute of Management and Information Technologies took part in a master class in business at the Ural Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Vladimir Brylin, Rector of the Institute of Regional Development under the Ural Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Alexander Kondrashov, System Management Coach and Consultant, conducted classes for future managers, marketers, and IT specialists. Special attention was paid to business planning.

Vladimir Brylin spoke about the cooperation of the Ural CCI and USUE in working with students: in addition to knowledge gained at the university students discuss with the leading practitioners and entrepreneurs issues concerning their future professional activities. "The university gives knowledge, but mostly it is just theory. Here we talk about life. The structure of business plans tells how the business is built. Based on this, one can tell about the peculiarities of business. We will also talk about support systems and services for novice businessmen," Vladimir said.

Alexander Kondrashov spoke about the importance of classes conducted for students’ future activities, both in the role of an employee and an entrepreneur. One of the aims of the master class is to help students find their bearings and understand how their future life could be connected to entrepreneurship, "This course is necessary so that students from the first years could find themselves in the production structure that exists today in the region. Today, more and more young people are striving to work in large corporations, and their own business is left out. Our goal today is to form a vision of how to navigate in life and where living principles can intersect with one's own business. "

During the lecture, students analyzed the terminology of business and business planning, defined main stages of business development and business projects, and studied the structure of a business plan and the issues of a business strategy developing. At the end, the participants of the master class became acquainted with the Portal "Business Navigator SMEs" for entrepreneurs.

As a reminder, in 2016, USUE students took a course "Entrepreneurship" at the Ural CCI. Upon completion of the course, all participants drew up and defended business plans. Some of those plans have developed into an ongoing business.

Within four days, students of 11 groups of the USUE Institute of Management and Information Technologies took part in a master class in business at the Ural Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Vladimir Brylin, Rector of the Institute of Regional Development under the Ural Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Alexander Kondrashov, System Management Coach and Consultant, conducted classes for future managers, marketers, and IT specialists. Special attention was paid to business planning.

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