Leningrad Victory Day: veterans-survivors of siege met at USUE

Ural State University of Economics hosted a solemn assembly, which participants were veterans- survivors of siege, students, and high school seniors. The solemn event dedicated to the day of the total lifting the siege of Leningrad was held with the support of the Ministry of Social Policy of the Sverdlovsk region.

The participants of the meeting did not hide their emotions: they were happy with the meeting, understood each other's experiences, and remembered the event that greatly influenced their life. Every veteran sitting in the hall that day was a hero who should be proud of.

The chair of the public commission for patriotic education of citizens and youth Yanina Kadochnikova in her opening speech noted the importance of holding such events, "I am very pleased that USUE receives us with love and responsibility. Today is a very significant day for us and I would like to congratulate you on this date of lifting the siege of Leningrad. The siege-survivors proudly call this day "Leningrad Victory Day". It is a wonderful and patriotic date. "

Vladimir Kuligin, USUE Vice-Rector for Property Management, welcomed the audience and stressed the importance of maintaining good relations with veterans, "We are very pleased to hold such events. We teach our youth, we give them professional knowledge, and besides, we teach students to love Motherland, which you had kept for us. I congratulate you on the anniversary of the liberation of besieged Leningrad."

Yuri Sudakov, the chair of the Sverdlovsk regional organization of veterans and pensioners, advisor   to the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region, a citizen  of honor of the Sverdlovsk region, major-general of aviation, told the history of the blockade and congratulated all those gathered on the anniversary of the liberation of Leningrad from the blockade.

The chair of the Union of Siege Survivors in Yekaterinburg Vera Loshchanova said, "Dear comrades, we are children of besieged Leningrad, we were from two to twelve. Having survived the blockade and having learned all its horror from our parents and grandparents, we hold the memory of them and try to help each other." She read a congratulation from the Association of Besieged Leningrad Residents to the veterans of the Sverdlovsk region.

The meeting ended with a concert for veterans, which was given by high school and University students. The whole hall sang the Evening Song ("City above the free Neva").

Ural State University of Economics hosted a solemn assembly, which participants were veterans- survivors of siege, students, and high school seniors. The solemn event dedicated to the day of the total lifting the siege of Leningrad was held with the support of the Ministry of Social Policy of the Sverdlovsk region.

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