“Logistics is the patroness of economy. It works wonders, the participants of Eurasian Logistic Forum proved

October 19, an international forum "Synergism of Logistics Strategies of Central Asian Countries: Economic Perspective against the Backdrop of Eurasian Integration" was held in Chelyabinsk.

The international forum was organized at the initiative of the Foundation for Socio-Economic Development 'Eurasian Community', the South Ural State University, as well as the universities of Kazakhstan and Tajikistan.

Greeting the audience, president of the "Eurasian Community" Victor Katochkov noted that "in the world, there is a tendency of growth of container transportation through intermodal transport corridors, which can be the basis of a common Eurasian transport network, so their development is one of the priorities of the Eurasian integration policy”.

The scope of the reports presented allowed to holistically comprehend the logistics strategies of Russia, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan in the context of the formation of integration schemes. Speaking at the forum, representatives of Central Asian countries were unanimous in their approaches to the formation of a common logistics policy of the region.

Professor Elena Petrenko from Karaganda in her report stressed that "Kazakhstan is following the way to achieve its strategic objective: using the advantageous geographical location to a transit hub for the Central Asian region." A specialist in transport logistics Pulod Azimov from the Tajik Technical University named after M. Osimi stressed the need to create a trans-Eurasian logistics platform, which would be a key communications backbone - "Eurasian way".
Шухрат Considering the interaction of Central Asian countries in the context of deepening the Eurasian economic integration, the chair of SUSU Department of Logistics Alena Levina, and a postgraduate student from Khojend Shuhrat Jumayev noted that "only the coordination of efforts of regional business communities to establish safe routes is able to ensure the implementation of international commitments and agreements within the framework of the EAEU."

Within the forum, there was a panel discussion "Logistic Innovations against the Backdrop of the Eurasian Economic Perspective through the Eyes of Young People". Its participants were representatives of the logistics business of the South Urals and Kazakhstan. Discussion moderator, Professor Julia Kuzmenko assured that "in 10-20 years, young people who are working today at the forum would implement ideas sounded. Young people are always on the move and future belongs to them. Thanks to them, the Eurasian Union countries will be able to reach a wider international integration."

Young entrepreneurs discussed the formation of inter-regional transport and logistics system for servicing cargo flows of the Central Asian republics, as well as the market prospects of transport and logistics services in the border areas of Russia. Logistics practitioners formulated basic requirements of the logistics industry for advanced training of personnel for the Eurasian economy, including:

  • implementation of joint projects with Central Asian countries in training specialists in the field of transport logistics and regional economy;
  • organization of symmetric internships for students to study the transport and logistics specifics and peculiarities of the warehouse facilities of the countries of the region;
  • designing of international student programs aimed at developing skills of socially-oriented entrepreneurship, at training the youth of Russia and the countries of Central Asia the basics of doing business.

Participants of the forum agreed that it is important to develop the club of young economists of Eurasia within the international youth movement "Eurasian Express". It will promote the ideas of Eurasian economic integration in youth environment.

In general, the Forum was a platform for presenting logistic potential of scientists and business practitioners, predicting the expected economic effect of Eurasian transport and logistical integration, and identifying important areas of Eurasian cooperation.

October 19, an international forum "Synergism of Logistics Strategies of Central Asian Countries: Economic Perspective against the Backdrop of Eurasian Integration" was held in Chelyabinsk.

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