Breaking stereotypes through dance associations

The USUE House of Culture hosted the annual dance show - Starteen performance organized by students and activists of the USUE Institute of Economics and Finance. 

The event has been held at USUE since 2013 and traditionally brings together creative students from the entire University. Every time, its participants experiment with formats: they choose a concept, stage dances, and decorate the dance floor. The theme of this year's competition - "Truism" - was chosen for a good reason. The main goal of the Starteen contest is to change the perception of familiar things and look at them in a new way. 

The highlight of this competition was the absence of a rigid thematic framework. During the draw, the participants watched pre-prepared videos that evoked some associations. On their basis, students staged dances choosing music, lighting, and costumes.

Each institute prepared three performances in the nominations: solo dance, duet, and team dance. The main prize, the Starteen Grand Prix, goes to the institute with the highest score.

Each dance reflected the depth of understanding of the theme chosen by its authors, and the guests of the show were keenly empathetic to what was happening on stage. Future economists, financiers, managers, programmers, and technologists showed their leadership qualities, skills of well-coordinated teamwork, and commitment to results under new conditions.

The Grand Prix was won by the core group of the USUE Institute of Digital Management Technologies and Information Security. In the Solo Dance nomination, the winner was its student with the Human dance.

The best among duets was "Aiyy with Kel" from the Institute of Digital Management Technologies and Information Security, and the first place among the teams was taken by the USUE Institute of Economics and Finance with the Boiling Anger dance.


The USUE House of Culture hosted the annual dance show - Starteen performance organized by students and activists of the USUE Institute of Economics and Finance. 

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