The best young legislator in Russia

Mikhail Kombarov, a graduate student of the Ural State University of Economics, has become the winner of the All-Russian youth competition “My Legislative Initiative” for the second year in a row. The young researcher presented his vision of how to improve the country's economic policy.

The 19th All-Russian competition for youth of educational and scientific organizations “My Legislative Initiative” was held at the Moscow Cosmos Congress Center, aimed at attracting young people to public administration through their participation in legislative activities.

USUE graduate student Mikhail Kombarov presented a paper on the topic: “Economic policy of Russia at the present stage and directions for its improvement.” In it, the graduate student raised an important topic in the modern market. The young scientist emphasized that it is impossible to achieve stable economic growth of the country and, as a consequence, increase the level of development of its economy without effective economic policy. The graduate student also noted that Russia’s economic policy at the moment should be based on internal mechanisms such as stimulating consumer and investment demand, as well as budget expenditures of the extended Government.

Mikhail proposed several options for improving Russia's economic policy. Firstly, it is important for the Bank of Russia to abandon the rapid increase in the key rate and return the obligation of exporters to sell part of their foreign currency earnings. Secondly, it is necessary to make amendments to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, which will increase the investment opportunities of Russian organizations, namely: they will increase the openness and accessibility of their legal field and expand its boundaries. It is also necessary to amend the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation aimed at combating various economic crimes, including corruption.

For his work, Mikhail received a winner’s diploma in the field of “Economic Policy” and a gold “Deputy Reserve” insignia. The award was presented by the Chairman of the National System “Integration” Alexander Obruchnikov.

“Victory is wonderful. But, first of all, participation in the competition brought me useful acquaintance and communication with experts and professionals in their field, who were Major General of Aviation, deputy of the State Duma of the first, second, third and fourth convocations, assistant to the deputy of the State Duma, members of the Union writers, teachers at Moscow universities,” competition winner Mikhail Kombarov shared his impressions.

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Rector of USUE Yakov Silin was awarded a diploma for the success of a graduate student.

The graduate student’s work was carried out under the guidance of Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Regional, Municipal Economics and Management of USUE Svetlana Pyankova. She was awarded a diploma for preparing Mikhail for the competition.

Mikhail has become the winner of the All-Russian competition for the second year in a row. In 2023, he presented work on reducing the dependence of the Russian economy on imports.

The “My Legislative Initiative” competition was established in 2005 in honor of the centenary of the formation of the State Duma.

USUE graduate student wins competition of legislative initiatives

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