May 31, at an extraordinary meeting of the Academic Council,  Lyudmila Shaibakova , Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Competition Law and Antimonopoly Regulation, received the award for her many years of impeccable work, a significant contribution to the development of the University, and in connection with the 60th anniversary. 

Lyudmila Shaibakova is at Ural State University of Economics from the student years.
In Sverdlovsk, a three-year-old Lyudmila was brought to Yekaterinburg from a remote Siberian village by her parents. Her mother, a native Siberian, originally hails from the village of Goroshina, Turukhansk district of the Krasnoyarsk Krai, where in the years of exile I. Stalin lived, who was nursing with one of her younger sisters. Her grandmother, Agnia Petrova, told that I.V. Stalin was very fond of children and they never cried when he carried them in his arms. Through the female line, her mother came from a merchant family. Her father was an engineer who came to Siberia to do military service.
As a schoolgirl, Lyuda was fond of biology, participated and won in biological contests and Olympiads and she dreamed of twisting her fortune with research in the field of plant growing and horticulture. After school and her girlfriend decided to enter the faculty of gardening at the agricultural institute. However, the girls were upset: at the enrollment, the priority was given to the entrants from the countryside. Lyuda was at a loss.
At that time, Ludmila's mother worked at the chemical engineering plant, where a student of SINH was taking an internship at the finance department. "My mother introduced her to me. The girl told me about the university, the economic area, and the finances of the enterprises, and it was so interesting that I decided to enter Sverdlovsk Institute of National Economy," Lyudmila recalls.
In 1975, she entered the SINH Faculty of Finance and Credit.

Remarkable student days 

Lyudmila Shaibakova recalls her years of study at the institute as a bright and largely carefree time. "Our group was very friendly. Every summer we went to the Black Sea to harvest vegetables and fruits. Each time our girls' group was accompanied by boys-students from other universities: USMU, UPI, or tank school. We worked for 4 hours a day, and then swam, relaxed, walked at night, sang songs. We were paid for accommodation, stay and travel, and on departure, we even received some cash," she says. Lyudmila liked to work in the student team "Assol". She remembers how after the first-year of study, they went to Zaikovo village of Irbit district to build a five-storied dormitory building for students of the local agronomical technical school. There, Lyudmila acquired a very necessary skill in everyday life: she learned to plaster.
While at the construction team, she also learned photography. Lyudmila was appointed a photojournalist of the team, and she quickly and willingly mastered Zenit camera.
Lyudmila finished specialist’s degree program with good and excellent marks. After the graduation, she was sent to work in the financial department of the Sverdlovsk Regional Executive Committee. Therefore, during three years, she honestly worked in government bodies and served as inspector of the budget department. She had to travel around the Sverdlovsk region. Since the financial department controlled the expenditure of budgetary funds, in three years she visited almost every city in the region, even in its most remote corners, such as Tabory, which could only be reached by plane.
By the end of her postgraduate work assignment, a place was vacated at the SINH Department of Finance and Credit. Associate Professor Irina Medvedeva, who was the academic advisor of Lyudmila’s thesis, offered her to switch over to the institute. "I am very grateful to her. Even at the stage of my graduation work, she was able to assess my potential as a researcher," Lyudmila says.
For a year and a half, Lyudmila had worked as a teaching assistant before she read in Issues of Economics journal that the chair of the SINH Department of National Economy Planning, Ivan Kezik, defended his doctoral thesis on the economics of scientific and technological progress.
Lyudmila did not know Kezik and had not heard anything about him before, but since she was attracted to the topic of his work, she came to his department and asked to admit her to the postgraduate school. So, in 1983 Lyudmila Shaibakova embarked on a postgraduate program and found her scientific advisor. Under his sensitive guidance, in just two and a half years she wrote and defended her thesis on the problem of renewal of machine-building production in the Sverdlovsk region.
Ivan Kezik sent one of his best students to Leningrad for a scientific conference, thereby opening her way for further research. There Lyudmila met with the future advisor of her doctoral dissertation - Professor Gerold Krayukhin, who headed the Department of Engineering Economics of the Leningrad Academy of Engineering and Economics. However, at that time she had no plans to write a doctorate dissertation.
After the next reorganization in SINH, Lyudmila was offered to switch to the Department of Nature Management. However, this area did not attract her at all. She liked to work with new technologies, methods, and specific production. Just at that time, being at a crossroads, she received an invitation from St. Petersburg to get admitted to doctoral level courses. In 1993, Lyudmila left for St. Petersburg. Three years later, she returned to Yekaterinburg, to USUE (SINH) being a Doctor of Economic Sciences.

Again at USUE!

At USUE, she was employed at the Department of Environmental Management which she had refused earlier, wishing to pursue her own line. Fortunately, soon the University opened a new specialization "Economics and Law". The future head of this department, Nikolay Potekhin, invited her to an interview. Lyudmila Shaibakova started developing a new direction "Economics and Law". First, she was put on the staff as an assistant professor, and then – as a professor.
In 2006 Lyudmila Shaibakova, Doctor of Economic Sciences, was appointed the chair of the Department of Economics and Law and headed it until 2016. The Department of Economics and Law has been reorganized and changed its name many times; today this is the Department of Competitive Law and Antimonopoly Regulation.
An interesting educational program, formed at the junction of the two fields of knowledge "economics" and "law", is popular today. Under the competent leadership of Lyudmila Shaibakova, there appeared the program Economics and Law of Business Activities at the bachelor's level and the program Economics and Law of Commercial and Non-Profit Organizations at the master's level.
Today, Lyudmila Shaibakova works at the Department as a professor. She has been working in our university for more than 35 years having obtained a rich pedagogical experience, confidence, and skills.

Following the way of innovations

The research of the candidate and doctoral dissertations of Lyudmila Shaibakova dealt with the issues of renewal of Sverdlovsk region's engineering products and problems of innovative development of regions. Working on her Candidate’s thesis, Lyudmila visited all major machine-building enterprises in Yekaterinburg and the region, compared the theory with practice. Of great support was the admission to the Statistics Department of the Sverdlovsk region. Now, unfortunately, this is impossible. There, Lyudmila worked with the primary statistical reporting of the machine-building enterprises of the region. The analysis included more than 40 enterprises.
It should be mentioned that the problem of obtaining information by young scientists has changed over the years. In the 1990-s, companies did not submit any figures, everything was being made a trade secret. Statistical bodies provided data only for money. The analysis was done only by themselves and on a written request, while not in the context of individual enterprises, but taken together. In 2012, the government decided to disclose information by all participants of the stock market, obliging them to spread reports on special websites on the Internet. Now scientists can use figures without leaving their workplaces.
Today, Doctor of Economic Sciences Shaybakova continues to research. In 2017, she and her fellow scientists won a major grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. Within the grant program, there is a creative team of 10 USUE scientists, including experienced Doctors and Candidates of Sciences and young researchers - USUE students. They study the institutional environment of innovation activity, which is the sphere of scientific interests of Lyudmila Shaybakova. "The creation of new products, their production and operation, as well as the introduction of new technologies - all my work is connected with this. And the institutional environment is institutions that either facilitates or opposes these processes," she says.

Of course, economics!

After defending her doctor's dissertation, exactly in 9 months, Lyudmila became a mother. Today, her son Ivan is a USUE third-year student.
When the family talked about what university to enter, Ivan, who practically grew up at his mother work, without a moment’s hesitation said, "Of course, to your university!" However, he went his own professional way. At school, he specialized in computer science and he chose this area of training understanding that information technologies are the future. He likes to study at the University, and to be engaged in extracurricular activities: he devoted two years to volunteering and he was a team leader. Next year he will finish the bachelor’s course and now Ivan is selecting a master’s program.

In life, there is a place for everything

In life of Lyudmila Shaybakova, there is a lot of fascinating things beyond science.
She loves travelling, walking in the woods, and gardening. In her opinion, the earth gives strength and pacification, it calms, and the change of mental activity for physical one helps relieve tension and stress. She is comfortable in her garden outside the city. While digging beds, spiritual pain and severe grief are dulled. It was in this way that she brought herself into emotional equilibrium after the sudden death of her scientific advisor, Ivan Kezik .
Lyudmila goes to the garden not only on weekends but also in the evenings after a hard day spent at the computer monitor. If you go to the garden by car, it takes 15-20 minutes. Therefore, she bought a car and found a good instructor and got a driver’s license. Now she feels at ease on the road, although she cannot stay in the driving seat for long. Still, the car remained for her a vital necessity and nothing more. However, the travelling can be attributed to hobbies. She visited a lot of thermal springs in Tyumen. But her favorite and the most suitable in many respects spring is in Turinsk. Together with her relatives and friends, she often comes there. Lyudmila Shaibakova likes animals, who always live in her apartment. Now she has a Russian spaniel and a chinchilla.
Lyudmila Shaibakova never guessed at the future, did not lay out her future like a chessboard party to choose the most acceptable, but walked the road that life opened before her, using new opportunities. If there is a new turn in the sequence of life circumstances, she does not resist, which means that it should be so, you need to turn and move forward again.
Looking back, Professor Shaibakova believes that her life was very harmonious. Over the years, she has come to realize that she follows the right way, and that life would lead her to science whatever profession she chose. She believes that science is her destiny. Ludmila Faritovna has many different awards. The most significant is the title "Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation". Now she is also the owner of the USUE Honorary Badge. "This is a significant reward, meaning the recognition by the organization which you work for," she says. "It's very nice and gives strength and desire to work on."

May 31, at an extraordinary meeting of the Academic Council, Lyudmila Shaibakova , Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Competition Law and Antimonopoly Regulation, received the award for her many years of impeccable work, a significant contribution to the development of the University, and in connection with the 60th anniversary.

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