Students in part-time master’s program were awarded degree

Today, the awarding of degrees to students in part-time master’s program was held. For several years, almost one hundred people worked for the master qualification.

Before the ceremony of awarding diplomas, Director of the Department for Master courses Marina Rusakova spoke about the importance of liripipe – a tassel on an academic cap . Traditionally, before receiving a diploma, the tassel should hang on the right, and at the moment of awarding the diploma, it is thrown to the left side.

The ceremony was attended by the USUE Rector Yakov Silin, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Sergey Rogozhin, Vice Rector for Property Vladimir Kuligin, chief adviser to the rector, chair of the Department of Regional and Municipal Economics and Management Yevgeny Animitsa, the head of the Leninsky district of Yekaterinburg, chair of the Department of Public and Municipal Administration  Dmitry Nozhenko, and others.

The first to be presented were 17 diplomas with honors. Just before the presentation, Yakov Silin wished yesterday's students great achievements, "I would like to thank you for your choice to study at our University. You understand that new, state-of-the-art knowledge is needed all the time. Everything changes very quickly and one cannot lag behind. We hope that you have received the knowledge that you needed. We tried to be useful to you." The Rector also noted that the percentage of honors students among master's is higher than among bachelor’s students  and asked graduates not to stop in their development: "One should do god studies. This is your work. If you wish to achieve something in life, you should work now. "

Dmitry Nozhenko urged graduates not to stop and continue their education, "To date, huge changes are taking place in Russia, new management technologies are being introduced: program-based budgets, strategic planning, project management methods, and the transition to digitalization. All these become not a theory but our routine work. When this happens at lightning speed, it is impossible to separate practice and education. I am sure this is not the last diploma in your life. I am sure USUE staff will do everything that you can always get the latest knowledge. "

Ahead there will be an awarding of diplomas to students of evening-classes master’s programs, and we wish today's graduates good luck in the chosen field.

Today, the awarding of degrees to students in part-time master’s program was held. For several years, almost one hundred people worked for the master qualification.

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