The municipal competition of youth projects "Your Initiative - 2020" has been summed up. The project of a specialist of the USUE Office for Social Work Ivan Golubykh - the annual charity event "A Letter to Mom" ??– gained a victory: he won a grant from the Yekaterinburg Administration and will receive organizational support. We congratulate Ivan and wish him new victories!     

 As part of the celebration of Mother's Day in Yekaterinburg, volunteers of Ural State University of Economics annually hold a charitable campaign "A Letter to Mom", which was among the winners of the regional stage of the all-Russia competition "Volunteer of Russia - 2018". 

High-school and university students, residents, and guests of Yekaterinburg send congratulations to the dearest people on special postcards to different parts of the world. 


Today, paper letters are being replaced by instant messaging. However, sometimes in this fast pace of life, we forget to say the words of love to the dearest one. "A Letter to Mom" ??allows everyone to express his/her feelings. On a paper card, words of confession and love will be delivered to your mom. And for sure, your mom will keep it.  

The municipal competition of youth projects "Your Initiative - 2020" has been summed up. The project of a specialist of the USUE Office for Social Work Ivan Golubykh - the annual charity event "A Letter to Mom" ??– gained a victory: he won a grant from the Yekaterinburg Administration and will receive organizational support. We congratulate Ivan and wish him new victories!

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