Large-scale scientific event

The main venue for events of the Moscow Academic Economic Forum in the Ural region will be USUE. Within the framework of MAEF, Ural State University of Economics will host 11 science-to-practice conferences, 4 round tables, and a forum of young scientists.

One of the key events held at USUE will be the IV All-Russian science-to-practice conference “Synergy of Science, Education, Business and Government - a Factor in the National Development of Russia.”

As the head of the Ural forum site, head of the Sverdlovsk regional public organization of the Free Economic Society of Russia, rector of USUE Yakov Silin notes,any university is to integrate into the economy of its region and its country. “This conference is attended by government officials and representatives of major financial and industrial groups. There is the reason to call the conference ‘Synergy of Science, Education, Business and Government.’ These are the keystones of our society, its foundation. And we must build it all together.”

For the first time, the regional site will host the international competition of research works of young scientists and students, “The Theory of Noonomics as the Key to the Study of Social and Economic Transformations of the 21st Century.” 70 university students and young scientists took part in the qualifying round and on April 24, the jury will sum up the results.

The Ural site will operate from April 1 to May 15. 33 events will be held within the Ural cluster. Besides USUE, round tables and seminars will be held at Institutes of Ural Branch of RAS, at administrations of Nevyansk, Pervouralsk, Nizhny Tagil, Berezovsky, the Yekaterinburg branch of VTB, Rosselkhozbank, Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University (RGPPU), and the regional Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service.


The theme of this year’s MAEF is “Russian Economy 2024+: New Solutions in a New Reality.” The Moscow Academic Economic Forum provides an analysis of the tasks of the economic agenda and proposals for ensuring sustainable development and achieving Russia’s national goals offered by leading scientists, politicians, and business figures. The organizers of the MAEF are the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), the Free Economic Society of Russia (VEO Russia), and the International Union of Economists (IUE).

In 2023, the MAEF brought together over 13 thousand participants from all over the Russian Federation and 28 other countries. The final events of MAEF-2024 will be held on May 15-16.


USUE will host 11 science-to-practice conferences within MAEF

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