A masterclass for high school students

 March 20, International Day of Francophonie, the chair of the USUE Department of Foreign Languages, Olga Sokolova conducted a masterclass to prepare high school students for the All-Russia Olympiad in French.

The masterclass was organized by the Institute for the Development of Regional Education at school № 39 specializing in French.

Tenth- and eleventh graders from Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Tagil and other cities of Sverdlovsk Oblast became acquainted with the format of Olympiad assignments and took a dynamic language training using the latest information and communication technologies.

We are waiting for school leavers and high school seniors of the city and the region at the USUE Open Day on March 25, 2018.

L. Sokolova, chair of the Department of Foreign Languages

March 20, International Day of Francophonie, the chair of the USUE Department of Foreign Languages, Olga Sokolova conducted a masterclass to prepare high school students for the All-Russia Olympiad in French.

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