International cooperation: an expert from Germany came to USUE

November 28, Ural State University of Economics was visited by a doctoral student from the Ruhr University (Bochum, Germany) Lisa Grandjean. She visited Universitetsky Technopark of high-end technologies, met with the USUE Rector Yakov Silin, and became acquainted  with the exhibits of the USUE Museum.

As Lisa said, there is a difference between USUE and the Ruhr University in the educational process, "In Germany, the students as a group attend all the classes, your students know what is more important for them and decide themselves what classes and  courses to attend. I liked that your students have the opportunity to learn not only about the economic intricacies but also to see the process from the technical side, as it was on an excursion to the Technopark ".

Lisa said that the Ruhr University students receive a bachelor's degree in two main areas - Management and Economics. To date, about 41 thousand students from 130 countries receive education in 20 faculties. Last year, the Ruhr University celebrated its 50th anniversary. "We published a commemorative book, which I have brought you as a gift because your university this year celebrates 50 years," Lisa said. The guest presented the book to the USUE Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Sergei Rogozhin. He, in turn, thanked Lisa and invited to participate in EEYF as an expert.

However, the stay of Lisa Grandjean at USUE has not ended. November 29, USUE hosted the 2nd international scientific and practical conference "Ural – 21st Century: Region of Innovative Development", where she made a presentation at the section "Economics of modern times: challenges and prospects for the fourth industrial revolution."

"The report refers to a new trend in Germany - the transition towards technology, which is ruled by the concept of "Industry 4.0" or, as it is called, the Internet management of business processes. This is the organization of production control, when machines control each other through the network and communicate with computers. In this context, I refer to the new business models that are used in industrial production and services systems," Lisa said.

November 30, the German expert will make a presentation at the Postgraduate Readings, which will be held at USUE as part of the international scientific-practical conference "Ural – 21st Century: Region of Innovative Development".

November 28, Ural State University of Economics was visited by a doctoral student from the Ruhr University (Bochum, Germany) Lisa Grandjean. She visited Universitetsky Technopark of high-end technologies, met with the USUE Rector Yakov Silin, and became acquainted with the exhibits of the USUE Museum.

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