Economist’s Week started at USUE

From November 7 to 11, Ural State University of Economics hosts traditional large-scale events dedicated to the Economist’s Day.

During the week, the participants will visit the Technopark «Universitetskiy», the museum of the Kalinin machine-building plant, Sysert porcelain factory, as well as Coca-Cola factory and PSM-HYDRAULICS. In addition, at the USUE library, everyone can become acquainted with the exhibition of economic literature.

At the opening ceremony, USUE Rector Yakov Silin said that November 11 is the International Economist’s Day. «A professional day is a recognition of merits of many generations in the field of economics. Today neither a giant enterprise, nor a small firm can do without economists. By our week of economics, we would like to emphasize the importance of that fine profession, usefulness to society, because it is at USUE where the future career of a professional begins,» Yakov Silin said.

Acting Director of the Institute of Economics of UB RAS Julia Lavrikova congratulated all the participants, «We must be useful to the national and the regional economy. It is we who will create prosperity, well-being of the family, city, region, and country. Now any of you will work in conditions of uncertainty, and the main task of an economist is to make correct prognosis under unclear political conditions.»

As part of the Economist’s Week, there was a mind game «Brain Ring» for pupils and students of Yekaterinburg and USUE College. In addition, USUE students visited a masterclass by JTI «Economists, marketers, managers — self-presentation or how to behave during an interview.» A specialist on brand promotion Anna Moskvina told how to behave at an interview, what questions to ask a potential employer, as well as how to present yourself.

During the week, the participants will attend public lectures by leading experts in economics, international scientific-practical conference, scientific roundtables, business games, competitions, volleyball tournament, thematic book show, master classes, quests, and the largest forum on housing and quality of life.

The detailed program can be found here .

From November 7 to 11, Ural State University of Economics hosts traditional large-scale events dedicated to the Economist’s Day.

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