Intercultural dialogue as a factor in the development of Eurasian culture

In the capital of East Kazakhstan, experts and youth activists discussed the development of intercultural dialogue between Russia and Kazakhstan.

The international roundtable "Russia-Kazakhstan: Intercultural Dialogue as a Factor of the Development of Culture in the Period of Globalization" was held on May 25 at East Kazakhstan State University. It was organized by the Eurasian Commonwealth Foundation and the student youth movement “Eurasian Express: Russia - Kazakhstan – Tajikistan” with the support of Kazakhstan universities.

In the welcoming addresses, the organizers of the action - the president of the Eurasian Commonwealth Foundation Victor Katochkov and the chair of the Department of Kazakhstan History at East Kazakhstan State University Albina Zhanbosinova stressed the importance of friendship between our peoples, which was a strategic priority of our countries. An important role in the strengthening of mutual understanding can belong to the dialogue of cultures.

Askar Nurgaziyev, head of the secretariat of the Assembly of the Peoples of Kazakhstan in the East Kazakhstan region, noted that "only regular communication between young representatives of social and creative circles could result in the efficient cultural dialogue." Among the important topics, there were the study of the influence of cultural traditions on the life of Russia and Kazakhstan, the promotion of the historical and cultural past of peoples, and the development of an uncompromising attitude to attempts to "rewrite history."

An academician of Academy of Acmeology, head of the International Center for Methodological Research and Innovative Programs, the chairperson of the Eastern Branch of the Kazakhstan Philosophical Congress Nina Guseva supported the views of colleagues on the importance of "the systemic organization of cultural dialogue of young people in a turbulent geopolitical situation in the world" and emphasized the need for a multistage support system for cultural student communications.

Developing the idea of ??his colleague, the head of the philosophy department of the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies of the Kazakh Ministry of Education, Professor Ayazhan Sagikyzy stressed, "The overall goal of the cultural dialogue between the youth elites of Russia and Kazakhstan should be the harmonization of the Central Asia space. Our two countries have always had common interests and values. At the same time, we cannot give loose reign to these processes. It is important to help young people to reveal the best pages of history, everything that has been created over the millennia. "

Within the discussion, experts and youth activists discussed how to involve students in these processes, how to push their social activism, and to make them a part of the cultural space of Central Asia. Activists of the student youth movement "Eurasian Express" stressed the importance of interaction at the level of public institutions and invited to take part in the work of the movement. Summarizing the results of the discussion, Professor Katochkov noted that it is important to promote Russian and Kazakh science and culture at four interrelated levels: interstate, interregional, initiative and at non-governmental organizations.

A specialist in ethnomediation Eleonora Stolyarova shared the experience of the Assembly of the Peoples of Kazakhstan in the formation of a multicultural environment. She conducted a comparative analysis of the two border areas on the peculiarities of multicultural environment and tools for involving young people in cultural processes.

The experience of developing educational cooperation was presented by Professor Gulzhan Sarsembayeva from East Kazakhstan State Technical University. She reminded the audience Nursultan Nazarbayev’s words about the importance of developing human capital and increasing attention to education. Professor Sarsembayeva noted, "It is important to develop double degree programs for training specialists in historical and cultural areas, to organize regular "guest lectures" of experts in the field of history, art history, religious studies, and placement of materials about them in youth Internet resources."

The project is being implemented using a grant for the development of civil society provided by the Presidential Grants Foundation.



In the capital of East Kazakhstan, experts and youth activists discussed the development of intercultural dialogue between Russia and Kazakhstan.

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