Interuniversity scientific and practical videoconference Current Status and Creation of a Favorable Investment Climate in Russia and the Republic of Kazakhstan

Ural State University of Economics discussed the problems of creating a favorable investment climate in Russia and the Republic of Kazakhstan. 

November 14, 2017, with the support of the Department of Financial Management of Ural State University of Economics and the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship of the L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University (ENU) there was a meeting of leading scientists and practitioners at the interuniversity scientific and practical videoconference "Current Status and Creation of a Favorable Investment Climate in Russia and the Republic of Kazakhstan."

The participants were greeted by the chair of the USUE Department of Financial Management Elina Zakirova and the chair of the ENU Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship Zhibek Rakhmetulin. The moderators and experts of the conference noted the importance of the event and the urgency of the investment climate issues taking into account the current realities and geopolitical situation in the world. The experts paid most attention to the issues of assessing the efficiency of using state financial support for small and medium-sized businesses and the experience of existing regional integration groups to create a favorable business environment.

Young researchers, doctoral students, master’s students and undergraduates were involved in the video conference delivering interesting reports. The main topic was the analysis of long-term research area: the investment climate in the countries of Eurasia, identifying the problems, and finding solutions.
Presented at the video conference reports evoked a wide response in classrooms of USUE and BSAU resulting in a productive discussion. The students of the USUE Department of Financial Management told about modern approaches to the formation of the financial policy of economic entities; postgraduates and master’s students of the ENU Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship presented interesting start-up projects of young entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Discussion of investment climate issues helped the participants not only to identify and discuss existing problems in this area but also to outline ways out. The conference participants decided to bring such issues to be discussed at a higher level and involve leading experts, as well as representatives of government, business, and science to the discussion.

November 14, 2017, with the support of the Department of Financial Management of Ural State University of Economics and the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship of the L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University (ENU) there was a meeting of leading scientists and practitioners at the interuniversity scientific and practical videoconference "Current Status and Creation of a Favorable Investment Climate in Russia and the Republic of Kazakhstan."

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