The Ministry of Education of Vietnam will promote the education at USUE

Within the second day of the USUE delegation visit to Hanoi, an official meeting was held at the Foreign Affairs Department of the Ministry of Education of Vietnam.

The meeting was attended by the deputy head of the Department Mr. Thanh, and the deputy head of the Department for Work with Students Ms. Thu. Mr. Thanh is well acquainted with the activities of Russian educational organizations: his duties include overseeing Vietnamese students receiving education in Russian universities.

During the discussion, the officials of the Ministry noted the multilateral nature of cooperation between Russia and Vietnam. The Government of the Russian Federation is interested in popularizing Russian higher education in the world educational community. In order to attract foreign citizens to study at Russian universities, a quota is established that gives a foreigner the right to study in Russia for free. The quota for training students from Vietnam in 2017 was 953 places; the planned figure for 2018 is 1000 places.

The USUE delegation has enlisted the assistance and information support of the International Affairs Department in terms of recruiting foreign students for further studies at the University of Economics.

In turn, Vice-Rector Roman Krasnov presented USUE reference materials and corporate editions in Vietnamese to the receiving party.

Within the second day of the USUE delegation visit to Hanoi, an official meeting was held at the Foreign Affairs Department of the Ministry of Education of Vietnam.

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