Ministry of Energy and Housing of Sverdlovsk region and USUE agreed on cooperation in personnel training

The Ministry of Energy and Housing of the Sverdlovsk region and Ural State University of Economics have agreed on a long-term cooperation in the training of qualified personnel for regional energy companies and housing and communal services. It is planned to sign the corresponding agreement in November 2017. It will be timed to the 50th anniversary of USUE and will be held on the eve of the Day of Economist.

The meeting of the Deputy Minister of Energy and Housing Andrey Kislitsyn and the USUE Rector Yakov Silin took place on July 3 during a session on the organization and conduct of the regional forum "Housing and Communal Services and the Quality of Life in XXI Century: Economic Models, New Technologies and Management Practices."

The staff shortage in the housing and communal services of the Sverdlovsk region is 40 percent today. Annual retraining and advanced training are required to 12 000 out of 70,000 working professionals, the need for an influx of young specialists is at least four thousand people.

Andrey Kislitsyn noted that this problem could be solved only through systematic work, planned and targeted training of young people. "Under the conditions of reforming the industry, it is practically impossible to ensure high standards of quality of housing and communal services without competent specialists. We envision that our cooperation with USUE would correct this situation. The field of professional competences application of future university graduates will be economic and analytical services of companies as well as government and municipal authorities," the Deputy Minister said.

The Ministry of Energy and Housing of the Sverdlovsk region and Ural State University of Economics have agreed on a long-term cooperation in the training of qualified personnel for regional energy companies and housing and communal services.

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