Many people are interested in the fate of the winners of the "Miss USUE" contest: whether they fall into the beauty industry or the competition becomes a part of student memories and no more. Someone would say that this is exactly what the status of university contests implies. Nevertheless, do not jump to conclusions.

Ksenia Korobeinikova became the winner of the contest "Miss USUE-2012" under the maiden name Reshetnikova. By that time, Ksyusha already had a positive experience of participating in such contests.

"The contest has taught me a lot!"

After graduation, Ksenia started working for a modeling agency. She liked to be photographed from childhood. When she realized that she got good pictures, she went to casting in a modeling agency and began to earn her first money: the girls participated in photo sessions, various shows, and promotions. "I participated in beauty contests and even won, and received good prizes: twice I flew abroad. Of course, we were prepared,” Ksenia says. - "Miss USUE" is something else, everything is better: training throughout the academic year, participation in various events, training with professionals, and staging a bright show. This contest has taught me a lot!" Ksenia studied at the USUE Institute of Trade, Food Technologies and Service, her major was Commerce. The desire to participate in the beauty contest appeared when she was a first-year student, but for some reason, students had a stereotype that first-year students never win, so she decided to wait one year.  Studying on a fee basis, Ksenia had a very specific goal: to receive a prize – state-funded education at the university. So she had passed the selection and preparations for the contest began. 

"We were always somewhere involved: we prepared concerts, danced, and rehearsed the final show.  Professional teachers worked with the participants, investing in us a lot of time and efforts.   A choreographer Elena Shumkova staged dance numbers. Yegor Rasputin taught us acting skills, Ksenia Antashova taught beautiful walking. I think that the contest was very worthy. My parents were happy for me. Each mother thinks her daughter is the most beautiful and wonderful. She told me so and that for her my victory was expected. However, I, like all the participants, was very worried, - Ksenia recalls. - Strenuous preparation and endless rehearsals exhausted us emotionally and physically. Inconvenient shoes raised blisters. Despite this, I had to walk for hours on the catwalk, dance, and carry myself well, while showing good mood and a happy smile.” 

All the girls were worried about their creative performances.  They staged their performances themselves, not counting on someone's help. Ksenia came up with the number "Tango a Trois." Dance lessons she had taken in childhood helped her. She chose music and began to prepare. They rented the hall and rehearsed at night, because they studied during the day, and in the evening, the hall was occupied until late. Through the social network, she asked to help her find a black dress. One friend responded and lent the dress, for which Ksusha was grateful to her. If first, she fought for the award in the form of free training at the university, then, when the struggle between the participants was already on the stage, Ksenia clearly understood that she wanted to stand on that stage with the crown of the "Queen of Beauty". As a result, Ksenia not only became the Queen but also received much more - the contest completely changed her life. One of the jury members was Alexei Korobeinikov, a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk region. "He saw me during the contest, but I did not even think that he liked me, I did not notice any sympathy or attention from him," Ksenia says. After the contest, they made close acquaintance, a romantic relationship was established, and, in late September, Ksenia married. Being a fourth-year student, she was already waiting for the new addition to their family. 

Today I am Mom and Wife

In September 2017, her son Vlad went to kindergarten and Ksenia went to work. She works for one of the universities of Yekaterinburg, helps in the organization of events, gaining experience in public relations, which she is going to back up with an appropriate education. What it will be – master degree courses or a bachelor’s degree in the chosen specialty, she has not decided yet.

 Ksenia has never seriously dreamed about the future in the beauty industry because she realizes that the age of the model is not long. Nevertheless, Ksenia continues to participate in photography agreeing only on interesting projects, as sees this as a hobby. Recently she was shot for a wedding salon. The girl continues to improve, develop, took courses on speech technology at the theater institute, goes to the gym, and finished the MUA courses.

"Now I'm a wife and a mother. My son, Vladik will be 4 years soon. Most of my time I dedicate to my beloved family. I like cooking homemade chops, mashed potatoes, and soups for my men. Every weekend we spend time together: we walk in parks, we go to the zoo and circus. Now we are going to the hot springs in Rezh," Ksenia says.

"I am lucky: Vladik has two grandmothers, whom I can always rely on, to leave the child with them. In summer, we all together go to the sea," she said. Besides, the car helps her to be mobile. Ksenia drives a car for 5 years: she chauffeurs the kid to the kindergarten and in the evening Vladik goes to training in artistic gymnastics with his mother also by car.

The example of Ksenia Korobeinikova breaks the view that everything in life should go its own way. Ksenia, without setting herself such tasks, in her years had done a lot: became a "Beauty Queen", and got married, and found a favorite occupation, and gave birth to a child.

Ksenia addressed the participants of next beauty contests wishing them: "Show persistence in achieving the goal! Let your eyes glow, and get real pleasure from what you are doing on stage. Never look back!"

After winning the beauty contest "Miss USUE" Ksenia already in a new role of a wife and mother plans to take part in the contest "Mrs. Yekaterinburg". Who knows, perhaps we will soon hear about Ksenia and will be glad at her new achievements.



Many people are interested in the fate of the winners of the "Miss USUE" contest: whether they fall into the beauty industry or the competition becomes a part of student memories and no more. Someone would say that this is exactly what the status of university contests implies. Nevertheless, do not jump to conclusions. Ksenia Korobeinikova became the winner of the contest "Miss USUE-2012" under the maiden name Reshetnikova.

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