We continue the rubric in which we tell about the fate of the girls who competed for the title of a beauty queen. 19 years ago the beauty contest "Miss USUE " debuted at our University. Today we will tell you about Miss USUE - 2013 Natalia Prokopiy. 

Natalia Prokopiy was born in a small village of the Sverdlovsk region. By the time of entering USUE, she had already graduated from the Nizhny Tagil Trade and Economic College and had the profession of an accountant.  She entered the University at a state-funded place, her major was Finance and Credit. In 2014, she graduated with a degree in economics.   

While studying at the university as well as at school, and then in college, Natalia was an activist. She decided to participate in the beauty contest in order to win, which means, to secure a second higher education free of charge. She believes that it was her ability to dance that helped her win - she danced from the childhood.
"I had achieved my goal, but I have not decided yet how I would use it in the future," Natalya said.
In her student years, Natalia participated in the work of the Morning youth forum in the Chelyabinsk region; she was also a volunteer of the 2014 Olympics in Sochi.

After finishing USUE bachelor’s program, the girl decided to realize her other cherished dream - she went to Moscow, and she lives in the capital already for three years.
Natalia makes a career and develops professionally: she works as a planning manager for the largest Russian consulting company in the automotive business, whose partners are official representative offices and dealers of well-known automobile brands.
The company is engaged in training of employees for auto centers: conducts classes, carries out analysis of enterprises and processes, undertakes audits, and provides business consultation.

"Plunging deeper into the automotive business, I understand how extensive this area is. It covers many aspects of an economic, psychological, and legal nature. Working in any of these positions, you willy-nilly develop in all directions, which allows you to be competitive in the labor market," she tells about her job.
Despite the fact that Natalia is completely absorbed in her professional development and her plans for the future relate exclusively to her career, her interests are still multifaceted.

In Moscow, she constantly arranges cultural trips for herself: to the Tretyakov Gallery, to the Pushkin Museum, and to theaters. "Among the last of my idols is Vadim Demchog, a scriptwriter and an author of original projects. I liked his performance "Close Your Eyes and Look." Recently, I found out an exhibition of video installations. It is fine!” Natalia shares. “For June holidays, I will go on an excursion to St. Petersburg. I have already been there, but I still want to, I have not seen all of the Hermitage Museum. "
Being a schoolgirl, she dreamed of seeing the Victory Parade on Red Square. This year, the dream of hers was realized. She captured this moment in the photo. Photo art is her new hobby. "I showed my photos to professionals, I was told that I need to grow, to post my works on the Internet for public viewing, but I'm embarrassed as yet," she says.

Наталья Прокопий не устаёт работать над саморазвитием и самообразованием.Natalia Prokopiy does not get tired of working on self-development and self-education. Она закончила курсы радиоведущих.She finished the course of radio presenters. SУходить на радио она не собирается, просто захотелось попробовать себя.She is not going to go to the radio; she just wanted to try herself. She rЧитает книги, из последних «Крестный отец» МариоПьюзо, «Ангелы и демоны» Дэна Брауна, «Мы здесь, чтобы победить: семь историй о лидерстве в бизнесе и спорте» Дмитрия Соколова-Митрича».eads many books, the latest "Godfather" by Mario Puzo, "Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown, "We Are Here to Defeat: Seven Stories about Leadership in Business and Sport" by Dmitry Sokolov- Mitrich."   Recently, Недавно была на тренинге Ирины Хакамады и после прочитала её книгу «Дао жизни».I have attended the training of Irina Khakamada and after that have read her book "Tao of Life".

In winter, Наталья за здоровый образ жизни: зимой регулярно катается на коньках, летом, в первые теплые дни открываетвелосезон, занимается фитнесом.Natalia regularly skates, in summer, in the first warm days, she opens a cycling season, and works on her fitness. Как болельщица футбольного клуба «Локомотив» имеет возможность бывать на матчах в Москве.As a fan of the Lokomotiv football club, she has the opportunity to attend matches in Moscow.

О целеустремленности Натальи можно судить по её пожеланиям девушкам, которые только мечтают победить в конкурсе красоты «МиссУрГЭУ»: «Уверенности в себе, твердости намерений во всех начинаниях.The Natalia’s drivenness can be proved by her wishes to the girls who only dream of winning a beauty contest "Miss USUE", "I wish you self-confidence and firmness of intent in all endeavors. Найти в жизни свою путеводную звезду и идти к ней!Find your guiding star in life and follow it! И тогда птица счастья сама постучится в ваше окно, и фортуна вам обязательно улыбнется!Then, Lady Luck will knock on your window, and fortune will surely smile at you! AПусть это звучит банально, но, я считаю, именно в этом кроется залог успеха».As cliché as it may sound, but I think this is the key to success."

We continue the rubric in which we tell about the fate of the girls who competed for the title of a beauty queen. 19 years ago the beauty contest "Miss USUE " debuted at our University. Today we will tell you about Miss USUE - 2013 Natalia Prokopiy.

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