Miss USUE–2023

The most beautiful girl of the university studies at the Institute of Management, Entrepreneurship and Engineering

The finals of the contest “Miss USUE - 2023” took place today at the House of Culture of Ural State University of Economics. That evening, the audience who came to the show were in for bright outfits and images, exotic music, graceful movements and charming smiles. The theme of the show was traveling. Nine finalists competed for the USUE beauty queen title.

Each girl revealed her strengths to the jury and the audience, talking about one of the countries in the world:

Anastasia Baikina, a third-year student of the Institute of Management, Entrepreneurship and Engineering, chose ancient mysterious China;

Daria Barkova, a third-year student of the Institute of Public Administration and Law - active and sporty Great Britain;

Valeria Gorbunova, a fourth-year student of the Institute of Public Administration and Law - strict but elegant Germany;

Olga Soiko, a third-year student of the Institute of Management, Entrepreneurship and Engineering - spectacular and outrageous France;

Ksenia Kurdyumova, a third-year student of the Institute of Management, Entrepreneurship and Engineering - mystical India;

Elizaveta Nagovitsyna, a first-year student of the Institute of Management, Entrepreneurship and Engineering - restless Ireland;

Antonina Terentyeva, 1st year student of USUE College - boundless Russia;

Ekaterina Shchekotova, a first-year student of USUE College - happy pastoral Holland;

Victoria Kuznetsova, a first-year student of the Institute of Management, Entrepreneurship and Engineering - Fiji Islands warmed by tropics.

The jury assessed the participants’ presentations, their grace and beauty, and the work of the support group.

The girls showed all these during a dance competition and a show of exclusive clothes by fashion designer Elena Zaitseva. The performance of each of the finalists was bright and talented. However, competition is competition.

They recognized Ksenia Kurdyumova as the most beautiful girl of the university - Miss USUE - 2023.

​“I am so happy! I am very glad that I did win. All the girls are so wonderful. And the guys who supported us are just super,” the winner shared her emotions immediately after the results of the competition were announced.

The most beautiful girl of the university studies at the Institute of Management, Entrepreneurship and Engineering

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