A multipolar world already exists

The third day of the XIII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum traditionally begins with a meeting of representatives of the embassy corps, which was attended by representatives of 44 states, including India, Saudi Arabia, Peru, Ecuador, Kenya, Argentina.

“Ekaterinburg has been the center of international relations for a long time, and the city has accumulated solid experience. How is it different from other territories? Not only a highly concentrated industry. There is a large number of higher educational institutions, technical schools, colleges and more than 250,000 young people study in them. Yekaterinburg is located in the center of Eurasia and is directly involved in the development of the Eurasian space. And we hope that your countries will become more and more involved in this process,” Rector of USUE Yakov Silin said to the guests. We are working with you for the future. The multipolar world we are talking about actually already exists. And what it will be depends on all of us.”

Vasily Kozlov, the Deputy Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region, welcomed foreign representatives on behalf of the head of the region. He noted that the government's top priority is to improve the quality of people's lives. And it is no coincidence that the embassy meeting is held in one of the best economic universities in the country, since it is higher education and science that open the way to prosperity for cities and countries.


On the part of representatives of the diplomatic corps, the dialogue was opened by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Uruguay to Russia, Daniel Ruben Castillos Gomez. He confirmed that after a period of globalization and attempts to build a unipolar world in the system of international relations, a period of a multipolar world is coming. However, it does not mean at all that political and economic cooperation between the countries will cease. It’s just that regional associations will come to the fore, such as MERCOSUR in South America or the EurAsEC in Eurasia, which signed a memorandum of cooperation in 2018.

“We are the West for you,” the ambassador said to the representatives of Russia. - But it is a different West. The West is interested in cooperation and further development of relations. We embarked on this path together. So let's take practical steps to implement our common intentions, as the Sverdlovsk Region does, whose business structures are one of the main investors in our country.”

This idea was supported by Vladimir Kuznetsov, the Director of the UN Information Center in Moscow. He noted that the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum has become a landmark event not only for Russia, but also for all countries that take part in it.

“The UN follows an unshakable rule - the security of some countries should not be ensured at the expense of the security of other countries. And the interests of some countries should not be ensured at the expense of the interests of others. Ural State University, which annually organizes the Eurasian Economic Forum, is a fulcrum for the United Nations. And we are grateful to you for the contribution you make to the cause of the united nations.”

During the meeting, Vladimir Kuznetsov presented Rector ща USUE Yakov Silin with a United Nations diploma "For achievements in the implementation of the UN goals and the principles laid down in the UN Charter." The same certificates were presented to Deputy Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region Vasily Kozlov, Deputy Minister of International and Foreign Economic Relations of the Sverdlovsk Region Lyudmila Berg, Acting Head of the International Department of the Ministry of International and Foreign Economic Relations of the Sverdlovsk Region Dmitry Vaskov, and Vera Oborina, head of the UNESCO club "Sovushka", co-organizer of the International Competition for Children and Youth Creativity “I am an artist. The UN Sustainable Development Goals through the Eyes of Youth”.

Theme of the XIII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum: "The multipolar world in the focus of the new reality."

11,808 people have registered for the forum.

Among 75 diplomatic representatives participating in the forum, 35 are ambassadors of countries: Sri Lanka, Yemen, Bangladesh, Laos, Jordan, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Uruguay, Panama, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, Republic of Argentina, Honduras, Colombia, Chile, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Gabon, Cameroon, D.R. Congo, Senegal, Republic of Tunisia, Côte d'Ivoire, Republic of Sudan, Burkina Faso, Republic of Mali, Republic of Chad, Republic of Guinea, Republic of Kenya, Republic of Burundi, Republic of Mauritius, Central African Republic, Algeria, Madagascar, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Forum events are held at 11 regional and foreign venues at leading universities in Russia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

43 heads of mass media from seven CIS countries took part in the media forum within the framework of the XIII EEYF.

The third day of the XIII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum traditionally begins with a meeting of representatives of the embassy corps, which was attended by representatives of 44 states, including India, Saudi Arabia, Peru, Ecuador, Kenya, Argentina.

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