Young people should know at what cost the siege of Leningrad was lifted

More than 150 residents of besieged Leningrad were honored guests of the Ural state University of Economics, where a solemn ceremony was held to mark the 76th anniversary of the complete liberation of the Northern capital from the blockade by the German-fascist invaders.

The event was organized By the Department for youth policy of USUE, the Sverdlovsk regional public organization of war veterans and pensioners, with the support of the Ministry of social policy of the Sverdlovsk region.

"Unfortunately, today in the Sverdlovsk region there are only 292 blockaders of Leningrad, out of 60 thousand evacuated during the great Patriotic war. There are many scientists, artists, and engineers among them. They were children when they were evacuated to the Urals, but were able to make a great contribution to the development of the Sverdlovsk region. We are very grateful to the Ural state University of Economics for receiving us so warmly for the fourth year in a row, " said Yanina Kadochnikova, Chairman of the public Commission on Patriotic education and youth work of the Council of veterans and pensioners.

"The University is a state structure and you can gather within our walls, along with employees, teachers and students. Your work has made a great contribution to the development of the Urals and, in particular, to the creation of our University. It is especially important to preserve the memory of your work and exploits and pass this baton to the next generations. They should know the price you paid for lifting the blockade. Teachers should not only be well versed in their areas, but also educate young people on your example," Yakov Silin addressed the guests. 

"Our young people will not be able to learn information more reliably in any book or movie than from personal communication with you. They must hear a living voice that survived all the horrors of the second world war. During the War, 144 tons of blood were collected for red army soldiers in besieged Leningrad," Yuri Sudakov continued.

More than 150 residents of besieged Leningrad were honored guests of the Ural state University of Economics, where a solemn ceremony was held to mark the 76th anniversary of the complete liberation of the Northern capital from the blockade by the German-fascist invaders. The event was organized By the Department for youth policy of USUE, the Sverdlovsk regional public organization of war veterans and pensioners, with the support of the Ministry of social policy of the Sverdlovsk region.

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