Young people should know the history of their Motherland

September 19, Ural State University of Economics hosted a meeting of students with the youngest hero of Russia Sergey Mylnikov.

Meetings “Heroes are among us" are regularly held at the University. The Vice-Rector for social work Roman Krasnov introduced the Hero of Russia to the students, "Sergey Mylnikov received the highest military award in Russia at almost your age – when he was 21 years. He demonstrated by personal example how it is possible and necessary to defend the Motherland. Such men are the backbone of the country."

Sergey Mylnikov told that he was born February 8, 1986, in Sverdlovsk. From 2003 to 2005 he studied at the Professional Pedagogical College at the Faculty of Electromechanics and Information Technologies. In 2006, he was called up for military service. In August 2008, he participated in the war in South Ossetia. On August 9, 2008, Sergeant S. Mylnikov, as part of a group of four T-72, he sustained a multi-hour combat with units of Georgian troops that blocked a peacekeeping battalion of Russian troops in Tskhinval.

"I decided to carry out a frontal attack being alone in the tank, without any sabots. The frightened opposing side abandoned their positions, thus giving a corridor for our peacekeepers," Sergey Mylnikov shared.

By his actions, he promoted our peacekeepers to disentangle.  For his services, he was awarded the title of the Hero of Russia and the Gold Star medal.

Now S. Mylnikov engaged in social activities, meets with schoolchildren and students.

A colonel of the Russian Armed Forces, Hero of Russia, and an advisor to the USUE Rector Sergey Voronin called Mylnikov a man of action, "Such risky and afterward justified decisions can be done only by people who know their job thoroughly."

Students asked the Heroes of Russia many different questions: about the daily routine, the service of women in the army, the demanded professions, and the political situation in the world. Answering to the question whether one should serve in the army, Sergey Mylnikov replied that everyone should serve one’s homeland, and Sergey Voronin called the army the best school of life for a young man.

A second-year student of the Institute of Trade, Food and Service Alexei Machalin shared his impressions with us, "The meeting was really interesting and informative. I think that such events should be regular."

Ural State University of Economics pays much attention to the patriotic education of youth. It is impossible to be a responsible manager or a leader and to make serious decisions without being a patriot of one’s own country.

September 19, Ural State University of Economics hosted a meeting of students with the youngest hero of Russia Sergey Mylnikov.

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