The international roundtable "Social Problems of Youth in the Eurasia Space: Ways and Solutions" was held on April 20 at the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Khujand. Its initiators were the international student youth movement "Eurasian Express: Russia - Tajikistan - Kazakhstan " and Eurasian Commonwealth  Foundation.  Members of the Russian Foundation " Studies Institute European Studies" and the executive secretary of the  Sogdiana media club took an active part in the event More than 50 students from Khujand Polytechnic Institute, Oshimi  Tajik Technical University,  and Gafurov Khujand State University. 

Greeting the audience, the head of the Russian Center for Science and Culture ??of Khujand   Ivan Ivanov   noted that young people make up more than half the population of Tajikistan and play an important role in all spheres of public life. "That is why state support of young people is one of the priorities of the government of Tajikistan, and today we have another good opportunity to determine the further strategy for realizing social support for young people in cooperation with representatives of Russian students."

The participants of the international roundtable were addressed by the editor-in-chief of the MSU information and analytical center Daria Chizhova. The Russian expert stressed that the youth of Tajikistan were interested in the prosperity and development of the country. "In the Republic of Tajikistan, the state youth policy is under the close attention of the Government of the Republic, appropriate regulatory and legal acts are adopted and implemented ensuring the efficiency of social support for Tajik youth under modern conditions ."

President of the Eurasian Commonwealth Foundation Victor Katochkov, addressing the audience, stressed that today the youth of Central Asia face serious challenges. "Russia and Tajikistan are moving towards the formation of the information type of society, but, being included in global information and economic processes, are simultaneously exposed to global information risks, which cannot be ignored,” he noted.


Developing the idea of the previous speaker, the activist of the Eurasian Express movement, a student of the Faculty of Russian Philology of Khujand State University Nilufar Madaminova raised the issue of the role of social media in the life of Eurasian youth. Nilufar  proposed "to create a high-quality agitation and propaganda product with the help of theologians, sociologists, and historians to counter the ideology of extremism and post it in social networks." According to the student, it is necessary to involve the most popular bloggers who are ready for interaction. The participants in the discussion agreed that the fight against religious extremism in the Internet environment should be regulated at the state level, and it should be aggressive and highly professional.


In the course of the discussion, the youth activist  Shavkat Juraev noted the importance to form family values ??as the foundation of a strong and stable society. He drew attention to the fact that in the countries of Central Asia they "are better preserved than in other regions of the world, and have greater resistance to the negative challenges of our time. In this regard, the experience of Tajikistan in the integration of traditional values ??into modern formats of public administration deserves high appreciation and careful study."


The issue of labor migration remains very important for the youth of Tajikistan. Shukhrat Jumaev proposed a whole range of measures to improve the situation in this area. Among them there are  formation of a nationwide database on labor activities of Tajiks abroad, monitoring their activities, eliminating the illegal labor market, limiting the departure of low-skilled compatriots abroad and much more. Shukhrat's proposals aroused great interest and a lively discussion of the gathered.


Discussing the speeches delivered, the experts and participants of the roundtable agreed that one of the key factors of youth's activity in implementing reforms to build strong Russia and Tajikistan was the willingness to act in accordance with public attitudes and values. The experience has proven  that young people feel confident in modern realities, think highly of their starting positions and opportunities. They are ready to develop, compete, and build a professional and public career. At the same time, it is necessary to pay more attention to promoting the ideas of Eurasian integration, explaining the tasks of a single Eurasian integration process, including young people and students.

The international roundtable, held in Khujand, aroused great interest of the expert community, students and youth activists. An agreement was reached to further develop partnerships with Russian universities and youth organizations.


The international roundtable "Social Problems of Youth in the Eurasia Space: Ways and Solutions" was held on April 20 at the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Khujand. Its initiators were the international student youth movement "Eurasian Express: Russia - Tajikistan - Kazakhstan " and Eurasian Commonwealth Foundation. Members of the Russian Foundation " Studies Institute European Studies" and the executive secretary of the Sogdiana media club took an active part in the event More than 50 students from Khujand Polytechnic Institute, Oshimi Tajik Technical University, and Gafurov Khujand State University.

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