Young people want to build their future themselves

5,100 people have already registered for the XIII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum: over 3,000 contestants, as well as invited experts, diplomatic officials, representatives of Russian and foreign universities, and other guests. Traditionally, youth projects will be presented within 6 congresses. The Congress of Economists and Financiers collected the most applications - almost 900!

The Congress of Economists and Financiers in 2023 offers 14 different competitions. They will hold all of them at the primary site of the XIII EEYF - at Ural State University of Economics. Regional and international EEYF platforms will also hold a part of the competitions within the framework of the Congress of Economists and Financiers.

In 2022, over 1,200 papers in 15 competitive areas were submitted to the Congress of Economists and Financiers. Their authors were young scientists from 12 countries and 85 Russian cities. They cared about such topics as inclusive finance as a tool for improving the lives of people with disabilities, the development of information and analytical support for managing the environmental activities of chemical industry enterprises. Besides, young scientists considered the competitiveness of territories, investments in the global economy, problems of economic theory and behavioral economics, educational and analytical support for entrepreneurial activity in different countries, and other important economic issues. The projects were worked out as business models suitable for implementation.

195 experts from Ural State University of Economics, educational institutions of the Russian Federation, Azerbaijan, Australia, Cuba, Moldova, Belarus, Uzbekistan, and other countries attended the Congress. Leading scientists of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries, as well as government and business officials, delivered 9 public lectures for more than 700 people. 

In 2023, eight out of eleven EEYF sites have joined the Congress of Economists and Financiers. Works for the international competition of applied projects of young scientists and specialists “City: Open the Future” will be welcomed by the XIII EEYF co-organizers in the Far Eastern District of Russia and Tajikistan: Vladivostok State University (VVSU) and Tajik National University. 

Three sites of the forum chose the international competition of research works of young scientists and students: VVSU, Almaty Technological University (ATU) in Kazakhstan, and Azerbaijan State University Economics (UNEC). 

Participants from the Northwestern Federal District of Russia and Kazakhstan can submit their works for “Business Eurasia” contest of youth business projects at St. Petersburg State University of Economics and ATU.

Besides, ATU and Osh State University (OshSU) will host the International Olympiad “Using IFRS in National Accounting Regulation”. 

The international competition of research projects “Corporate Governance and Investment in Global Economy” will be offered to participants of the XIII EEYF on the international platforms of ATU and Tashkent State University of Economics (Republic of Uzbekistan).

The international online Olympiad “Economics and Finance of Polycentric World” for participants from Kazakhstan will be held at L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, and for Kyrgyz youth - at Osh State University.

Tajik National University will also host the international research competition for young scientists and students “Economic Security through the Eyes of Youth: World and Russian Experience”.

The international competition of research projects for young scientists and students “Accounting and Analytical Support for Entrepreneurial Activity in Russia and the Countries of Near and Far Abroad” will be presented at VVSU.

The Congress of Economists and Financiers was established as a launching pad for the career and personal growth of young people in science, project activities and entrepreneurship to realize young people’s creative potential. Experienced experts in macro-, micro- and mesoeconomics, finance, banking, public administration, logistics, corporate governance, urban economics, and ecology give young people the impetus and support to implement their economic and financial ideas, to present and promote constructive and efficient business projects at the market.

The EEYF Congress of Economists and Financiers has collected the most applications to date

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