Six international student teams submitted their ideas on the implementation of economic projects to the competent jury at the forecast-session "Parade of ideas: youth intercultural dialogue of Asia, Russia, and Africa".

The formation of project thinking among students is one of the priority tasks in the preparation of demanded specialists in the field of economy, and such work within the framework of the International Economic Youth Forum at USUE has made this approach even more efficient. In the Mirror Hall of the USUE Recreation Center, six teams, including students from Asia, Russia and Africa, gathered to discuss the prospects for international cooperation: joint projects that will be in demand and link Russia with Asia and Africa to become useful for global economy as a whole.

The event consisted of two blocks. At the first one, Pavel Knyazev, the head of the USUE Financial and Economic Office, presented a report on the real economy of the regions, gave a comparative description of the territory, population and the ratio of Russia, Asia, and Africa.

Then, for 30 minutes, the teams were discussing the ideas of establishing their own international company within the chosen region (most of them preferred Africa). The students presented their original projects, told about the resources they would need to implement them, assessed the risks and the time it would take to implement the ideas, and predicted the results.


Valeria Titova, a USUE student:

"We would like to open a multidisciplinary university in Central Africa and a company working under this university. Our task is to increase the number of competent specialists in the region, specialists who, being trained in Africa, would continue working there to develop the economy, production, and other industries. We will provide graduates with jobs, and we need at least five years to implement the project. "

Other solutions included production and construction projects, companies engaged in mining and agricultural development. One of the teams proposed the idea of ??creating a new transatlantic   international alliance to coordinate the work of the three largest regions of our planet.

Pavel Knyazev, head of the USUE Financial and Economic Office:

"Our students have demonstrated excellent knowledge of economic processes. They showed the ability to work to deadlines and justify their decisions.   The students have excellent thinking, I am sure they will have great professional future. "

At the end of the session, the three best teams were awarded diplomas. The awards were conferred to the  projects related to the construction of housing and roads in Africa, food production, and mining.

Tatyana Kashirina, chair  of the Department of International Relations, MGIMO:


"The large-scale event, which USUE holds, brought together students not only from the CIS, but also from foreign countries.   The interest of young people in science is growing, and I see students are perfectly demonstrating both their knowledge and their creativity. I think that in a short time they will be able to translate their creative ideas into reality. I hope that EEYF will help them create long-term partnerships, and mutual contacts will become a reliable basis for the development of the economy of the future. I would like  to wish Ural State University of Economics further success and I hope that I will be able to attend the next, tenth International Economic Youth Forum at USUE."


Six international student teams submitted their ideas on the implementation of economic projects to the competent jury at the forecast-session "Parade of ideas: youth intercultural dialogue of Asia, Russia, and Africa".

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