Youth Yekaterinburg meets the challenges of time

The chair of the USUE Council of Young Scientists Olga Ergunova and associate professor of the Department of Marketing and International Management Ivan Vozmilov took part in the III Urban Forum "Youth Yekaterinburg: Challenges of Time" held at the "Onegin" hotel. 

Welcoming the audience, the deputy head for social policy of the Yekaterinburg Administration Mikhail Matveev noted that today, no citywide event could do without participation of active young people. At the same time, they are not only participants in urban events, but initiate successful and viable projects themselves.

The Forum annually provides an opportunity to share experiences, discuss hot issues, and find social partners and like-minded people for further cooperation.

Today, this information platform gathered about 400 people. The forum is devoted to the main trends of modern Yekaterinburg - "the challenges of time". The result of the work of thematic sessions will be the development of action algorithms in order to achieve success in a specific area.

During the panel meeting, everyone could communicate with successful residents of Yekaterinburg: representatives of business, government, education and social sphere.

In the second part of the event, the members of the forum took part in the work of five thematic sites: “Project Yekaterinburg”, “Business Yekaterinburg, “Social Yekaterinburg”, “Perspective Yekaterinburg”, and “Image-building Yekaterinburg”. In total, more than three dozens experts took part in the event to share their experience with young people.


The chair of the USUE Council of Young Scientists Olga Ergunova and associate professor of the Department of Marketing and International Management Ivan Vozmilov took part in the III Urban Forum "Youth Yekaterinburg: Challenges of Time" held at the "Onegin" hotel.

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