Business Spring youth forum at USUE

May 30, the Business Spring youth forum was held at USUE supported by the USUE Council of Young Scientists, the Association of Young Entrepreneurs, the Club of Public Initiatives, and the Union of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region.

Olga Ergunova, the chairperson of the USUE Council of Young Scientists, spoke about the existing measures of financial, consulting, property and innovation- productive support of business, focusing on identifying efficient tools and mechanisms in the complex system of commercialization of development and implementation of business ideas by young people.

This forum is a major social regional event, during which various events were held within three educational trajectories:

1. "Think" (for 16-30 years old participants) – students and young people without specific ideas and projects, who want to grow and develop.

2. " Do" (for 16-30 years old participants) – students and young people who already have specific ideas or projects.

3. "Develop" (for 16-35 years old participants) - young entrepreneurs.


The Nuclear Energy Information Center in Yekaterinburg held the express networking, brainstorming, and training to optimize and scale business among young entrepreneurs. The given project is focused on the development of motivation to social activism and creation of new unique projects.

May 30, the Business Spring youth forum was held at USUE supported by the USUE Council of Young Scientists, the Association of Young Entrepreneurs, the Club of Public Initiatives, and the Union of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region.

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