Youth style: progress, innovation, creativity

In the capital of East Kazakhstan, activists of the student youth movement "Eurasian Express: Russia - Kazakhstan - Tajikistan" held a business game dedicated to contemporary cultural communications in youth environment.

May 25, an international business game "Youth Style: Progress, Innovation, Creativity" united in Ust-Kamenogorsk student activists of universities of the South Urals and Eastern Kazakhstan. The business game took place at East Kazakhstan State University. It was organized by the Eurasian Commonwealth Foundation and the student youth movement Eurasian Express: Russia - Kazakhstan - Tajikistan with the support of partner universities - S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University and D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan State Technical University.

In a welcoming address to the participants of the business game, its organizer, Victor Katochkov, president of the Eurasian Community Foundation, stressed the importance of friendship between the youth of Russia and Kazakhstan, adding that dialogue of cultures can play a special role in strengthening of mutual understanding.

The moderator of the business game, the head of the Youth Assembly of the Peoples of the South Urals, Ekaterina Teltsova, starting the work, noted that cultural communications in youth environment should be especially bright. Young people live in the space of their subcultures, so it is important to "talk with young people in their language and on topics important for them." Ekaterina shared the experience of cooperation of national diasporas of the Southern Urals and told how important it was to involve young people in the work of diasporas.

The business game was bright and interesting, prompting a lively discussion among students. The teams’ presentations were eloquent and their answers - creative, inviting deep thinking. As a result, friendship and dialogue of cultures, adherence to the ideas and values ??of Eurasian integration have won.


The project is being implemented using a grant for the development of civil society provided by the Presidential Grants Foundation.


In the capital of East Kazakhstan, activists of the student youth movement "Eurasian Express: Russia - Kazakhstan - Tajikistan" held a business game dedicated to contemporary cultural communications in youth environment.

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