Young scientists of the Sverdlovsk region discussed the development strategy of Yekaterinburg

Members of the USUE Council of Young Scientists Olga Ergunova and Victor Blaginin participated in the discussion of Yekaterinburg Strategy 2030 at the International Trade Fair "Innoprom".

Speakers touched upon issues of population migration, expansion of the city on the principle of intensive or extensive development. Based on their project, one can talk about an increase in Yekaterinburg population to 1.8 million people and about the development of industry.

Coordinating Council of the strategic Yekaterinburg development has concluded that the vision of young scientists, their views and proposals for the efficient development of our megalopolis are important today.
Members of youth associations discussed further cooperation on the basis of the established UrFU Council of Young Scientists. During the meeting, representatives of leading universities of the Sverdlovsk region, the Commission for Youth Policy of the Sverdlovsk branch of the Russian Union of Machine Builders, and the Sverdlovsk branch of the Russian Union of Young Scientists signed an agreement on the general principles of cooperation between the councils of young scientists.

The parties concluded this agreement with the aim of assistance in the development of ties in the field of science and industry between educational institutions of higher professional education of the Sverdlovsk region, academic institutes and enterprises of the defense-industrial complex of the Ural-Siberian region. At the first stage, members of the youth communities decided to create facilities and resources at each union for operational communication.

Members of the USUE Council of Young Scientists Olga Ergunova and Victor Blaginin participated in the discussion of Yekaterinburg Strategy 2030 at the International Trade Fair "Innoprom".

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