We would like to understand the culture of nations: USUE and the United Museum of Ural Writers have entered into a cooperation agreement

April 5, at the United Museum of Ural Writers a cooperation agreement was signed between USUE and the Museum. The document will allow for the realization of common tasks of the parties: promotion of patriotism and raising the educational level of young people.


USUE rector Yakov Silin stressed the importance of signing the agreement for the University. “A student cannot become a competent manager without an appropriate cultural education. If we want to understand the culture of different nations, we must visit theaters and museums. Without this, one cannot be a man of today and a man of culture. Our students will have a unique opportunity to look at the cultures of past epochs,” Yakov Silin said.


The document provides for classes for USUE students at temporary exhibitions and expositions of the Museum; joint organization of practicals, internships, volunteer and research work of USUE students and employees at the Museum.

April 5, at the United Museum of Ural Writers a cooperation agreement was signed between USUE and the Museum. The document will allow for the realization of common tasks of the parties: promotion of patriotism and raising the educational level of young people.

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