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Not so long ago, in Severouralsk, there was a graduation ceremony for the students of the Department of State and Municipal Administration. It was attended by many distinguished guests.

The graduates were welcomed by officials from the city administration, representatives of the Higher Education Authority, and employers who once had been USUE students and gratefully do remember those times. The staff of the Department of State and Municipal Administration could not miss the graduation of their favorite group and came to congratulate the graduates personally. Many kind word and mutual wishes were given.

The event took place in a warm domestic atmosphere, which for many years the management of the Severouralsk Training Center had been creating guided by its director Alexander Kopylov. Saying goodbye to the staff of the Center and faculty members of the Department, the students promised to return and continue their education at the master's courses.

It is hard to part with our graduates but we are always waiting for them.

Kulikova, Associate Professor, Department of State and Municipal Administration

Not so long ago, in Severouralsk, there was a graduation ceremony for the students of the Department of State and Municipal Administration. It was attended by many distinguished guests.

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