Ural State University of Economics sent another batch of humanitarian aid to Donbass. 

Yet another cargo of aid of about 150 kilograms was collected by caring students, teachers and employees of USUE. For the twelfth time, our university has sent humanitarian aid to the area of the special operation as part of the All-Russian action #WEARETOGETHER.

Mikhail Khairulin, a second-year student of the Institute of Management, Entrepreneurship and Engineering, a member of the Servium student brigade, says: “I think it’s right to support people who are jeopardizing their lives on the front line They are having a really hard time right now. And the very fact of a gift from home is a reminder that they are remembered, they are worried about.”

The cargo is intended for those mobilized from the Sverdlovsk region. Activists of the All-Russia People’s Front, who go to the SMO zone every month, volunteered to send help to the war zone. During the conflict, the total volume of cargo delivered by them to Donbass and Zaporozhye reached hundreds of tons.

Vasily Konoplyanko, one of the All-Russia People’s Front coordinators in the Sverdlovsk region told us: “Now our “sponsored” units are in the Lugansk region. We have already established logistics and hand-over technology. Thus, all the goods will reach the addressees.”

Within the past months, the composition of goods sent to Donbass has changed: fewer foodstuffs as the mobilized have got plenty of them. However, frontline soldiers always need clothes and underwear, personal hygiene items, SOFTs, as well as generators, stoves, walkie-talkies, light tactical vehicles and spare parts for them.

The project #WEARETOGETHER has been operating since March 2022. At Ural State University of Economics, humanitarian aid for the SMO zone is welcomed on weekdays from 10:00 to 16:00 (lunch break from 12:00 to 12:30) at office No. 251 of the main building. 

A new batch of humanitarian aid was sent from USUE to Donbass.

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