We are together: preparation for the regional stage of Abilympics Championship has started

A meeting of the student health club "We Are Together" for people with disabilities was held at USUE.The meeting was attended by participants of regional and national stages of the Abilympics Championship - 2017, members of the volunteer group, representatives of departments and lecturers of the University.

They discussed the participation of USUE  students  in preparation and organization of the regional stage of the Abilympics Championship - 2018 for people with disabilities. 
The regional stage of the Abilympics National Professional Skills Championship will be held on October 3-4, 2018 in Yekaterinburg. USUE will organize sites for competitions in two competencies: programming and tourism.
"USUE is the only university in the Ural Federal District that supported the idea of ??holding a regional stage of the Abilympics Championship among people with disabilities and organized a venue for it at the university.

“In 2017, our University did a great job to meet all the requirements for organizing competitive tests," Lyudmila Egovtseva, an organizer of the regional stage of the Abilympics championship, said. 

The purpose of the competition is to promote the development of professional inclusion of students, graduates and young professionals with disabilities in the labor market. "The main concept of the contest is the creation of those social adaptation conditions that will give disabled people after graduation from educational institutions an opportunity for career development and employment," Lyudmila Egovtseva emphasized.

A serious conversation took place with the members of the volunteer group of “We Are Together” club, as the primary responsibility for accompanying the Championship participants is assigned to them, and the success of the Championship largely depends on the level of their responsibility and self-discipline.
Alyona Novoselova, a USUE master student, spoke about her experience of participating in the III National Abilympics Championship in Moscow in 2017. The girl took the first place in the competence "IFRS Accountant". "The competition is great, there are a lot of participants. We get up early, come back late, but it's worth it. I have emotions for life."

Seven students of Ural State University of Economics applied for participation. Preparation for the contest will begin in the near future.  Each will receive expert support and individual training programs for all participants will be worked out. Three departments: "Business Informatics" (headed by D. Nazarov), Accounting and Audit (N. Necheukhina ), Tourism Business and Hospitality (E. Kurilova) have already determined the composition of expert councils and have started working over  tasks for competitions.

After the meeting of the club, an Associate Professor of the Department of Tourism Business and Hospitality Galina Kornova held the first consultation with students, future participants of the regional Abilympics Championship.




A meeting of the student health club "We Are Together" for people with disabilities was held at USUE.The meeting was attended by participants of regional and national stages of the Abilympics Championship - 2017, members of the volunteer group, representatives of departments and lecturers of the University.

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